We have been married for two months! It some ways it feels like we have been together forever and in other ways we can't believe it has been two months!!! We really are happy! We are so in love! Life is great! Taylor is a wonderful husband. He is so caring and will do anything for me. He is so helpful and makes me so happy.
It was a good week- lots of school and lots of work. I just asked Taylor if there was anything eventful that happened this week, but neither of us can remember what we did. Usually we have Tuesday and Thursday evenings together, but we don't know what we did this week! How scary! Saturday is usually our day, but Taylor worked some extra hours and I volunteered at "Give Kids A Smile Day" which was a great experience. It was so cool to see so many people volunteer their time and resources to helping kids. We did go out to dinner to a yummy Greek restaurant. So good! I love Greek food and am so happy that Taylor really liked it.
Taylor taught his first lesson today in elders quorum. Right before the class he found out that the other teacher was gone, so the elders quorum's were combined. He prepared well and seemed confident. "I am not the teacher" is what he says. I am sure he brought the Spirit and he said it went well. We went to dinner at McKay and Jodie's tonight with all the family. It is always nice to see everyone. Taylor and I also had our Family Home Evening tonight after getting home. 2 weeks in a row! We will make it a habit. Taylor taught the lesson tonight. I love the time we spend together just being able to talk and share our feelings, our struggles and fears, and all that we have to look forward to together.
One thing we are looking forward to and are so excited is for our trip to California. We were planning to go in June for Donna and Donny's wedding, but have kept teasing that they would change the date, and sure enough!! April 10th!! We are so happy for them! It will be so fun to see my family also and hopefully it will work out that we can go to Disneyland. It will be a short trip, but we are excited!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Our cute neighbor Nevaeh. She enjoys coming over as much as we enjoy having her. She is so stinkin cute!
We finished our puzzle!
We were fighting over the last piece! We put it in together!
Taylor's Valentine's coupons and card. I love scrapbooking.

Valentine's weekend...
Beautiful Paradise!

Our heart shaped pizza. It was yummy!

Taylor made me some picture frames. Here is the beginning. I'll post the finish product later.
Right before Tony broke his finger... Michelle in Paradise=fire and broken fingers! Sorry...
Ice-cream sundae...
Before Taylor fixed our oven... everything was burnt to a crisp!
Honeymoon at the Anniversary Inn... Romeo and Juliet's Suite and The Jungle

We finished our puzzle!
We were fighting over the last piece! We put it in together!

Taylor made me some picture frames. Here is the beginning. I'll post the finish product later.

chicken parmesan.carbon monoxide.Hello Yogurt.24.Elder's Quorum Teacher.FHE
It has been a great weekend. Taylor was able to switch schedules with someone at work so we had a Friday night together. It was so nice. We had a yummy dinner together- parmesan chicken, brown sugar carrots and a baked potato with a yummy topping of sour cream, cheese, and chives. It was delish! I was quite proud of myself and Taylor really liked it too. Then we were going to go to an art exhibit, which featured a local artist. It was called "Found Art", which was art made of trash. It was suppose to be open until 9 pm but was closed! So we skipped that part of our date and decided to go to Target instead to get a carbon monoxide detector! You are probably wondering why... well, a friend of mine and her husband had got carbon monoxide poisoning a little while back, which is not why we went out and got a detector, but we got one because we were convinced and maybe a little paranoid that WE had carbon monoxide poisoning. I had been getting a lot of headaches and Taylor had a headache so somehow headaches = carbon monoxide poisoning! Anyways, so after a Target run we went to "Hello Yogurt" and got some frozen yogurt. Taylor got blueberry and peach with some Reese's on top and I got blueberry and mango with mango, strawberries, and raspberries on top. It was pretty good. Not nearly as good as "Golden Spoon" or "Yogurtland" but good enough! We should open our own frozen yogurt place... We watched lots of 24... finished season 4 and have watched almost 2 disks of season 5. Sooo good! I just love that show. I never thought I could get hooked to any TV program. Oh, and we tested our apartment for CM and the directions say electric appliances can not release carbon monoxide. Well, duh! That message was for us because our whole unit is electric only. We have no gas! How in the world would we have carbon monoxide poisoning?! Saturday was relaxing. I got stranded at home until 4 pm because Taylor worked and had left my keys in his car. We got my ring cleaned, returned the carbon monoxide detector and watched 24. It's so nice just to be together. We both just love Sundays. We had our first visit from our hometeachers, which was nice. Today at church Taylor got a calling! He is the 4th Sunday Elder's Quorum Teacher! Taylor is really excited about it! We also had our first official Family Home Evening! We need to make it a habit. It was really fun. Taylor shared a scripture in 2 Nephi 31 and I shared a message about service. We read the talk "The Joy of Service" by President Monson and then watched the "Mormon Message: Have I done any good in the world today?". We then found a service opportunity. We will be volunteering at "Give a Day to The Boys & Girls Clubs of Utah County” on Saturday, March 27th. It will be fun to serve together and we want to make that a habit in our marriage. It is tough during the week with school and work, but we try and have fun and love the time we can spend together!
Friday, February 19, 2010
19 Feb 2010
I don't have anything too exciting to write about. It has been a week of work and homework for us both. The highlights of the week include making homemade lasagna and watching 24, which we are almost done with season 4! (2 more episodes) The lasagna turned out good, but I cried in the process! I could not get the ricotta cheese to go on smooth! Definitely something to cry about! I just wanted it to be perfect. It looked far from perfect, but it tasted great. It was my first time. Next time it will be even better! I have figured out the secret!
Taylor traded schedules with someone so he worked this morning and afternoon, but should be home soon! We will actually have a Friday night! Yay for the weekend!
Taylor traded schedules with someone so he worked this morning and afternoon, but should be home soon! We will actually have a Friday night! Yay for the weekend!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Our first of many Valentine's!
It was a nice long weekend spent together. Saturday morning we got up, got ready and went up to Paradise. With the help of my father-in-law (who sacrificed a thumb in the process) Taylor made me 3 frames! Tony helped with the first one and then Taylor (with very little from me, although he says I helped) made the other two. (The frames are for a project I am working on- I picked up the pictures and painted the frames today. Now all Taylor has to do is hang them. I'll post pictures later!) We relaxed and watched lots of 24! I am not a TV watcher and never thought I could get hooked to any program, but 24! Ahh! So good! It is so addicting. We made a homemade pizza in the shape of a heart! Cute, huh? It was a nice first Valentine's together! The first of many, many Valentine's! Sunday, which was actually Valentine's, we slept in and then got ready for church, drove to the chapel and found out it was Stake Conference. Ooops! That is now maybe the third time in the last 6 years that I have missed church! We picked up Grandma Fenton on our way back and had a nice visit with her. She is just so cute! We also had a nice time at dinner with everyone. It was fun to see and visit with everyone. It's sad not having my family close, but I am glad Taylor can and I am grateful for such great in-laws. It makes it a little easier. After getting home Taylor and I finished the puzzle we started the week before. Today is President's Day. Taylor still had to work of course, but didn't have class. Watched a couple episodes of 24 and both got a few things done. It's just so nice to be together. I love him so much!
We thought we didn't bring the camera so took pictures with my phone all weekend. The camera was in my bag the whole time! Sometimes I think I am losing it. The other day I made 5 dozen cookies and forgot to put eggs in the dough! I would not recommend it! Anyways, I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how to upload pictures off of my phone...
We thought we didn't bring the camera so took pictures with my phone all weekend. The camera was in my bag the whole time! Sometimes I think I am losing it. The other day I made 5 dozen cookies and forgot to put eggs in the dough! I would not recommend it! Anyways, I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how to upload pictures off of my phone...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
10 Feb 2010
I am so happy, but am so tired. I have been getting a lot of sleep... I think it is just all the stress. I had a test Monday, another one today and have one more tomorrow. I feel teachers get together and plan when to torture us... "You're giving a test Monday? Okay I will give one Wednesday! And you- can you give one on Thursday?" Yep... that's how their conversation goes!
It was nice yesterday though because I was asked to work a little later and came home and Taylor had ordered us pizza. We had a relaxing evening. We ate pizza, ice-cream and watched three episodes of season 4 of "24", got ready for bed, tried to read, but fell asleep as Taylor also did some reading for one of his classes. I was out by 9:00... woke up at 6:00 and worked until 1:30, had lunch with Taylor, took my test, took a nap because I wasn't feeling well, woke up and have been studying all evening. Taylor gets off work in an hour. It's hard for me to fall asleep until he's in bed. Going to get ready now...
Can't wait for Paradise this weekend!
It was nice yesterday though because I was asked to work a little later and came home and Taylor had ordered us pizza. We had a relaxing evening. We ate pizza, ice-cream and watched three episodes of season 4 of "24", got ready for bed, tried to read, but fell asleep as Taylor also did some reading for one of his classes. I was out by 9:00... woke up at 6:00 and worked until 1:30, had lunch with Taylor, took my test, took a nap because I wasn't feeling well, woke up and have been studying all evening. Taylor gets off work in an hour. It's hard for me to fall asleep until he's in bed. Going to get ready now...
Can't wait for Paradise this weekend!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Ward Missionary!
I got a calling!!! I have been called as a ward missionary. It's funny because this is the third time I have been called as a ward missionary. I have had this calling in every ward- My home ward in Laguna Hills from before the mission, my student ward at NAU, and now again!! I love it! I know any call extended comes from the Lord and I am so grateful. I am really excited. I love missionary work because I know the gospel is true and I know the happiness and peace it has brought and continues to bring in my life! I also am now a visiting teacher, which I am really excited about as well! Taylor is the hometeacher for one of the sisters I will be visiting teaching. We will have to have them over for dinner!
7 Feb 2010
Taylor has to work one Sunday a month and today is the day! It's so lonely without him, but I am happy it is this Sunday and not next Sunday which is Valentine's Day. Yesterday was a good day. We woke up and Taylor once again helped me with my math. My teacher posts a practice homework and two practice quizzes, so we went over those together and then I was ready for the real homework and real quiz... I got 100% on both! So grateful for his patience with me. Math has never been my thing. There were even a few tears shed. But I got it done and then went to the gym while Taylor did some homework. We our neighbor's kids for a little bit. Nevaeh who is two years old fell asleep. I had made Taylor a sandwich and I knew she would say, "want some" so I made her a half as well. When I went to bring it out to them she was sound asleep. I wish I would have taken a picture. She is way too cute! Taylor and I made dinner together- cheeseburger pie! While it baked we started a 500 piece puzzle. It was fun. I get excited when I find a piece and Taylor just makes fun of me, copying me as I say "yes!!!", but he doesn't know my dance! After dinner we went and watched the movie "Money Pit" with Taylor's brother Tony. So weird, but pretty funny. I like Tom Hanks as an actor...
I have church in a couple hours. Today is fast Sunday. Since getting married I never feel as prepared, but that's my own fault. I need to do better. Today I am going to try and finish reading the book "Way to Be!" by Gordon B. Hinckley. I love the book so far and I love President Hinckley! I remember several times having a very strong impression that he indeed was a prophet of God. Once at General Conference while I was at the Conference Center when however many thousand people it holds, all stood up and began to sing "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" as he walked in and also during the Newport Beach Temple Jubilee. I remember just the strong impression I felt as he walked in and everyone stood in silence and respect. There have been countless other times as well, but those are a couple times that stand out in particular. I love out prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson as well. How grateful I am for the organization of the Church and to have a living prophet to guide us in these latter days! I think I will also bake some cookies for our neighbors and put them in these cute Valentine's bags I got. We are going to be out of town next weekend so it will be an early Valentine's treat. I wish Taylor were here to deliver them with me though, but if I don't do it today I don't know when we will be able to... During the week is always so busy; I love Sundays!
I have church in a couple hours. Today is fast Sunday. Since getting married I never feel as prepared, but that's my own fault. I need to do better. Today I am going to try and finish reading the book "Way to Be!" by Gordon B. Hinckley. I love the book so far and I love President Hinckley! I remember several times having a very strong impression that he indeed was a prophet of God. Once at General Conference while I was at the Conference Center when however many thousand people it holds, all stood up and began to sing "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" as he walked in and also during the Newport Beach Temple Jubilee. I remember just the strong impression I felt as he walked in and everyone stood in silence and respect. There have been countless other times as well, but those are a couple times that stand out in particular. I love out prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson as well. How grateful I am for the organization of the Church and to have a living prophet to guide us in these latter days! I think I will also bake some cookies for our neighbors and put them in these cute Valentine's bags I got. We are going to be out of town next weekend so it will be an early Valentine's treat. I wish Taylor were here to deliver them with me though, but if I don't do it today I don't know when we will be able to... During the week is always so busy; I love Sundays!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A Date to Skate and Cazookie galore!
Date Night was a lot fun! Taylor would not tell me where he was taking me and the whole way there I was making guesses. He told me I needed to wear socks. I was guessing ice-skating, bowling, roller skating, karate... Why I can't stand surprises is beyond me, but after about 2 minutes of guessing we were there. Roller-skating! I got ghetto roller skates from the 80's that I could not tie tight enough. It felt like I was skating on buckets with wheels. Taylor got a razor. It was fun. We paid for an hour, but both were tired after about 15 minutes. 15 times around= 1 mile! haha We sat out and talked for a little bit and watched the races. We were making bets on who would win. Afterwards, we walked just a little ways to get some dessert from a cute little place called "The Chocolate Dessert Cafe". It is in an old house that they turned into a cafe. We sat upstairs. Every room in the house has chairs, tables and couches. So cute! We ordered a cazookie which took 15 minutes to bake and about 45 seconds to eat. It was so good. Taylor got white chocolate and I just got chocolate chip because I didn't want to take the chance of the peanut butter having nuts in it. Taylor said I could have asked... but I just didn't think of that! Now Taylor is studying and I am going to do some reading...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
3 Feb 2010
I worked from 7:30-1:30 today and Taylor had school. We got to have lunch together and now he is off to work until 11 pm and I am off to Salt Lake for an evening of school and homework! This is just where we are in our lives right now and it's okay! We still have lots of fun. I am looking forward to out date tomorrow night. Taylor text me the other day, while he was at work and asked if he could take me on a date, but he will not tell me anything about it... I am learning to like surprises. He is so sweet. I'll blog more later, but wait till you see hear what happened this morning...
Monday, February 1, 2010
1 Feb 2010
I turned in my application for graduation! I am taking 19 credits this semester with 3 classes left to go! Hopefully I can get those 3 classes during the summer, so I can graduate in August with my BS in Human Development and Family Studies. Taylor works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3 pm-11 pm... and I spend all 24 hours and then some doing homework... I don't mind it though. I actually kind of enjoy it. I love to learn. I just don't like my Economics and Consumer Decisions class, which you could see Taylor studying for on an earlier post. He is a huge support and help. I try and get ahead in my classes so I don't have to stress. I am working at the Dental Hygeine College on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It works out well. I am excited to be done, but then what? On to grad school!?
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