I should be studying for finals, but after working all morning I think I deserve a little break before the torture begins! Taylor survived his finals (he finished on Tuesday) and is at work, which means a long afternoon/evening of studying for me...
So, I found this
questionnaire on
Hermana Farnsworth's blog and think it is fun and a great way to record some family history, so here we go!
What are your middle names? Taylor Douglas and Michelle Jacquelyn. My middle name is after my grandma Jacqueline, but she goes by Jackie. I know it is spelled different. I think my mom did not know how grandma spelled it. Douglas?
Hmmm... I'll have to ask him and then update this...
How long have you been together? Taylor and I actually met in July of 2009. I was going to school at Northern Arizona
University in Flagstaff, Arizona and came out to Utah for President and
Hermana Farnsworth's homecoming. I had served with his cousin Michael
Karren in Spain and Michael had told me about his cousin, Taylor, who has just got home from his mission from Mongolia in August 2008. I got home November 2008 and Michael also told Taylor about me. Taylor found me on
facebook and we were "
facebook friends" and chatted every now and again. We began chatting a lot and talking on the phone and
texting a lot a few weeks before I came out in July. We met and had our first date. Can you believe he kissed me on our first date? I knew it was my last first kiss. I think we both did. Our second date we both agreed that we were crazy, but knew it felt right and talked about getting married. Less than 2 months later (all the while being in different states) Taylor proposed! September 5, 2010. Originally we set the date for June, but realized it was crazy, so I dropped my classes at
NAU and moved in October, a little earlier than planned and we changed our wedding date. We were married on December 28, 2010 in the Salt Lake Temple and have been married almost 4 months.
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Oooops I already answered that.
Whose siblings do you see the most? We see Taylor's siblings/family a lot more. They are all here in Utah and my family is in California and grandma and papa are in Arizona. It is nice to have his family close by though. And it will be fun when we have kids for them to be close to their cousins. My brother and sister, Michael and Melissa are only 14, so I hope they wont be having any kids soon...
Do you have any children together? Nope. Not yet...
Do you have any pets? No, but I would love a big dog. Someday...
Did you go to the same school? Nope. Taylor is at Brigham Young University and I am at the University of Utah. But just because I go to the U does not make me a Ute!
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Probably
Chili's. Their chicken tenders are Taylor's favorite, so we go there most often.
Where is the farthest you have traveled as a couple? California. It is about a 9 hour drive. But we both would love to travel. That is another "someday" dream...
Who does the cooking? I think I do most often or we make dinner together. Taylor has made several dinners for us though. He almost always does the dishes though, he insists! or we will do them together.
Who is more social? Hmmm... tough question. I think we are about the same. I used to be really social, but now I love just being the two of us. We try to be social though. We could do better...
Who is the neat freak? Me. Taylor said he
didn't have any idea. He teases me about
vacuuming so much. He says that if i keep
vacuuming so much we will not have any carpet left.
Who is the most stubborn? I don't really like the word stubborn... but maybe me? Taylor would
definitely say me, but he has his moments too!
Who wakes up earlier? Me, but not by choice. I work earlier than he has class or work. If it were not for my alarm Taylor would probably be the first one up. He usually is on weekends. I think 8:30 is the perfect time to get up.
Where was your first date? Paradise, Utah. We met in Salt Lake because I was staying in Provo and we drove up to Paradise and met his parents. We took out the 4 wheelers and when I was driving it there was liquid leaking out onto my leg from the handle bar. We pulled over and the back wheel caught on fire. We ran to a house and called a fire truck. Taylor's parents got there first and his dad put it out before the firetruck, police and ambulance could get there. It was quite the adventure. We had a picnic in the backyard and hung out. We went out to dinner and then back to Salt Lake and watched the movie
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. Did I mention he kissed me on our first date?
Do you get flowers often? No, but I wouldn't want them often. Every once in a while is nice. They are beautiful, but just die. They are kinda a waste of money.
Who sings better? Haha. Neither of us! Maybe Taylor. Anyone can sing better than me!
Who does the laundry? Both of us. I usually start it and forget about it. Taylor is really good about starting a load if I
haven't and also finishing what I start.
Who is better with the computer? Easy. Taylor.
Who drives when you are together? Depends. It is probably 50/50.
Who picks where you go to dinner? He usually makes me, but he will let me know if I choose somewhere he doesn't want.
Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong? I think we are both really good about admitting when we are wrong and both quick to apologize.
Who wears the pants in the relationship? We are a team!
Who eats more sweets? We both have a sweet tooth. Probably Taylor though. In fact he was just complaining that we don't have any sweets in the house before going to work.
Who cries more? I am the cry baby.
What's your best day together? Every day!
Where did you honeymoon? Salt Lake at the Anniversary Inn.
Favorite date night? Any time we are together!
Favorite T.V show to watch together? 24!!! We just finished season 7! Now we have to wait for season 8 to end and come out on DVD.
Okay, enough fun... time to study!