Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cresine Tradition
So, you know how you're not supposed to play with your food? Well, in the Cresine home it not only is okay, but it is a tradition on Thanksgiving to create some sort of picture with the food left on your plate. Sometimes an extra olive is necessary or a small spoon of mashed potatoes is needed to complete a creation and on Thanksgiving it's okay to waste a little food. Most of the time Scruffy gets to eat our creations. This year we enjoyed Thanksgiving with Taylor's family, but Papa e-mailed us pictures of their creations. This year Papa was the winner! Taylor and I voted. Here is his creation...

A weekend of Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Our weekend started on Thanksgiving Eve. We took down our pilgrims and indians and put up the few Christmas decorations we have. Thursday morning we went over to Taylor's parents and had a yummy breakfast and visited. We then all went over to Lori and Jeff's for a Thanksgiving feast. It was so nice of them to have us all over. Friday evening we took trax downtown to Temple Square to see the lights be turned on. As soon as we got to the spot we wanted to be in and took a look around- the lights flashed on! It was so neat. The Church does such an incredible job. We walked around Temple Square a little and also went to the new Deseret Book. We went to Grandma Sargent's and had dinner and played Zilch and Yahtzee with her. It was so much fun. She is so fun to play with. We stayed over and Taylor's parent's Friday evening and Saturday was the Fenton and Sargent Christmas Carnivals. Jeanne worked so hard planning and preparing. There was crafts, face painting, Christmas Bingo, pin the nose on the snowman, musical chairs, fresh popped popcorn and cotton candy. Everyone had so much fun!
And then this morning, Sunday, we woke up to the first significant snow that we have had down here in Orem. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Say that three times fast! Who comes up with these words? That is what Taylor had done yesterday. They were able to stretch his esophagus to 16 mm, which is still smaller than normal, but it is an improvement from the 13 mm he was at. He is scheduled to go back again in a month and Dr. Bodily is going to try and get him to 18 mm. Again, that is smaller than normal, but it would be a great improvement. He also prescribed him medicine for acid reflux.
It is about a 15 minute procedure, which they put him out for. It was really sad, but also kinds funny as he waking up. He repeated himself about 15 times and would ask the time about every 3 minutes. He was drowsy all day yesterday, but he is as good as new today!
We are grateful for doctors and the knowledge and education which they have. We are also grateful for medicine. We are grateful that Taylor can eat now without choking and are hopeful that we can keep it under control so he will not have to worry about it anymore!
It is about a 15 minute procedure, which they put him out for. It was really sad, but also kinds funny as he waking up. He repeated himself about 15 times and would ask the time about every 3 minutes. He was drowsy all day yesterday, but he is as good as new today!
We are grateful for doctors and the knowledge and education which they have. We are also grateful for medicine. We are grateful that Taylor can eat now without choking and are hopeful that we can keep it under control so he will not have to worry about it anymore!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
This is what our Saturday consisted of...
We gave up on Lost a while ago and now enjoy laughing together as we watch The Office

Frozen yogurt from a California favorite which just opened up in Orem? Yes please! Taylor chose chocolate malt and I chose my favorite peanut butter cup. We had a coupon for buy one get one free, so we got two quarts. I may or may not be enjoying some right now as I blog...

Frozen yogurt from a California favorite which just opened up in Orem? Yes please! Taylor chose chocolate malt and I chose my favorite peanut butter cup. We had a coupon for buy one get one free, so we got two quarts. I may or may not be enjoying some right now as I blog...
Friday, November 5, 2010
We love our sweet Sage!
It is definitely a girl and we are so happy! We went to South Towne Mall and got another ultrasound at the fetal studio. Our first impression of the place was that it was a little sketchy, but after meeting our technician we knew it was worth the $60! He was from Lithuania and is an OB/GYN there, but has been in the United States for 10 years and has had the studio and working as a licensed technician for the past 6 years. He was so great and so patient. Sage was still all curled up in a little ball, but he took the time to have me move around and finally got her to move. "200% she is a girl!, " is what he said. I asked her why she was so shy and he said that she was not shy, but just modest! Taylor said, "That's my girl!" That is our girl! We cannot wait to meet her!

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Christmas Throw-Up
This is the Graco Travel System that Taylor found online. It was really good deal- only $65 and in great condition. We went to take a look at it one evening and we decided to go ahead and get it. However, as soon as we got it loaded into the car I began to sob. Why? Because I thought it looked like Christmas throw-up. I don't know why I didn't speak up, but I didn't and thought our little Sage was going to be stuck with this ugly thing! It is green with red and yellow plaid. The pictures make it look much better than I describe it and now that it is gone I kinda miss it... but it went to a cute couple. We got back our $65 and are going to keep our eyes open for another purchase.
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