Can Christmas really be over? We have had a good time this month as celebrated the birth of our Savior and enjoyed time with family and friends. This year we spent Christmas in Flagstaff, Arizona. We left Wednesday the 22 and came home on Sunday the 26th. It was a fun few days with lots of resting, visiting, eating and game playing. Grandma cut both of our hairs, Taylor ate Jack in the Box for the first time, we brought our Wii and played the game "Just Dance." We got Grandma and Papa to dance. Grandma was great at Tina Turner's Rollin on the River and Papa was awesome at the Monster Mash. Michael and Melissa enjoyed playing as well. The boys played pool. Papa and Taylor kept betting. Taylor lost about $2000. We also got a new Wii game- Madden 11 which is a football game that Taylor loves and enjoyed playing with Michael and Papa. Christmas Eve we made homemade pizza which is a tradition of my Uncle Timmy's that we carried on even though he and Aunt Mum were not able to join us this year. Right before going to bed on Christmas Eve Grandma decided we should take a vote and open all our presents. Taylor now understands why I am horrible at surprises! Of course everyone voted to open them. Christmas morning we all slept in a little bit and then had a yummy breakfast which included the Fenton tradition of scones. We then went to mass at Grandma and Papa's church and spent the rest of the afternoon resting and playing games. We had a nice Christmas dinner together. It was sad to leave Sunday morning. We wish Grandma and Papa and everyone lived closer, but we loved and enjoyed the time we were able to spend with them. We are also grateful to have Taylor's family close and look forward to seeing and spending time with them on New Years.