We visited Rodalyn and Nacor and met their new addition Liam Moise. He is a handsome little guy. We also had a really nice evening last night with Michael and his date. We went to a Peruvian Restaurant called La Carreta down the street. The food was sooo good. Afterwards we came back to our place and played a game. It was a nice break and fun to see spend some time with Michael.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
This weekend we finished season 6 of the Office and continued working on Sage's room. Our dresser arrived and Taylor spent several hours putting it together. It looks good! We also went and purchased an organizer and some canvas bin things. We now refer to the second bedroom as "Sage's room" instead of "The Dungeon". It has been hard work and we got rid of so much junk! It is coming along nicely. I even found the cutest lamp at Ross the other day. I was looking for storage bins and I spotted the lamp from across the store and it was love at first sight! Her crib should be here soon as well. Oh, and the other week we went to Color Me Mine because they were having a special day that if you brought 2 canned goods you didn't have to pay the sitting fee- so we saved $16 and only had to pay for the ceramic piece. We made her a cute little piggy bank, which match the colors of her room. Here are a few pictures... 
Friday, January 28, 2011
As of late
There not much to report about as of late. We are both trying to just stay busy. Time is beginning to go by very slow. Well, at least for me. Taylor is busy working and has started his last semester! I am continuing to work at UCDH, which tend to be very long days. 7:30 or 8:00 am- 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday and every other Friday. I'm usually just fine, but by 5:00 I am so exhausted. Taylor has class until 6:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I try and be a good wife and make something yummy for dinner (which, I have to admit, does not always happen). Taylor makes dinner or we will make dinner together the other nights. We finished our prenatal classes and also took a nursing class. They were both very informative, but I'm not sure if they have given me comfort or made me more anxious! Taylor has been a good sport and has gone to the classes with me and always tries to make me comfortable. I just don't feel good. We relax and laugh a lot as we continue to watch the Office. We are in season 6. About a month left until Sage joins us! We are so excited to meet her. Taylor spent the afternoon yesterday putting together her dresser/changing table that arrived and her crib should be here in the next few days as well. Slowly, but surely everything will be ready for our little girl!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Getting ready for Sage
It has been a busy week as we start to turn our "dungeon" into Sage's room. We packed up a lot of things, got rid of some junk, sold a few things on KSL, and reorganized some boxes allowing us to combine boxes. Her room is almost cleared out. We had Taylor's parents over for lunch yesterday and they were nice enough to take a few (or maybe 7 or 8) boxes to storage for us. Thank you! We also went and bought the travel system we have been looking at. We also finally picked out the crib and dresser/changing table, which Grandma and Papa are ordering for us. We are so grateful for our families and all their help and support. We had our doctors appointment this week and everything looks good! The doctor wanted to check if she was still breech and brought in a portable ultrasound. She is head down! We will start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. We also are taking a 2 week prenatal class which starts tomorrow. We are so excited and can't wait to have Sage join us.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
"2011 will be Heaven!"
"2011 will be heaven" is this years motto. Taylor and I rung in the New Years with his parents. We went up to Paradise New Year's Evening, ate some yummy chinese food, played a little Wii and watched some funny youtube videos. New Years Day Tony, Lexi and the kids came up as well as Jodi, McKay and the girls. We missed Jill, Dan and Lacie. It was fun to celebrate the new year together as well as celebrate McKenzie and Dylan's birthdays, which are this week. There was no better way to start the new year than with family.

The year in review
Well, 2010 has come to an end! It has been an exciting and fun year full of blessings and challenges. This year:
we moved into Starcrest Apartments and made our place feel like home.
I found a job as an administrative assistant/secretary at the Utah College of Dental Hygiene in January.
Taylor continued to work at New Haven and is an assistant supervisor.
took a trip to Flagstaff in March for our birthdays.
Taylor traded his Audi in and bought a Toyota Corolla in April.
we went to California in April.
Grandma and Papa came to visit in May.
Michael Karren came home from his mission in June.
we found out we were expecting a baby in June.
Donny and Donna came to visit in October for General Conference.
we found out we were having our sweet Sage in October.
we had lots of fun trips to Paradise.
Thanksgiving with the Fentons.
Taylor had two surgeries on his throat, which were very successful- one in November and again in December.
we survived school. Taylor at BYU and me and UofU. I graduated with my BS in Human Development and Family Studies.
went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert starring David Archuleta.
Christmas with the Cresine's in Flagstaff.
we celebrated our first anniversary on the 28th of December.
Those are just a few of the highlights. Jeanne and Tony came up with the motto, "2011 will be heaven." We have so much to look forward to this coming year with the arrival of Sage and with Taylor also graduating in April. There will be lots of changes... a new addition to our family, perhaps a move, new jobs? But we are excited for all that life has to offer. Life is so good and we are so blessed.
we moved into Starcrest Apartments and made our place feel like home.
I found a job as an administrative assistant/secretary at the Utah College of Dental Hygiene in January.
Taylor continued to work at New Haven and is an assistant supervisor.
took a trip to Flagstaff in March for our birthdays.
Taylor traded his Audi in and bought a Toyota Corolla in April.
we went to California in April.
Grandma and Papa came to visit in May.
Michael Karren came home from his mission in June.
we found out we were expecting a baby in June.
Donny and Donna came to visit in October for General Conference.
we found out we were having our sweet Sage in October.
we had lots of fun trips to Paradise.
Thanksgiving with the Fentons.
Taylor had two surgeries on his throat, which were very successful- one in November and again in December.
we survived school. Taylor at BYU and me and UofU. I graduated with my BS in Human Development and Family Studies.
went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert starring David Archuleta.
Christmas with the Cresine's in Flagstaff.
we celebrated our first anniversary on the 28th of December.
Those are just a few of the highlights. Jeanne and Tony came up with the motto, "2011 will be heaven." We have so much to look forward to this coming year with the arrival of Sage and with Taylor also graduating in April. There will be lots of changes... a new addition to our family, perhaps a move, new jobs? But we are excited for all that life has to offer. Life is so good and we are so blessed.
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