Sage is a little stinker! Our nap routine has been thrown out the window! Or I should say over the side of her crib along with her blankets, bottles and anything else she can get a hold of to throw overboard. This morning she did just that for over an hour and a half. She played, laughed and squealed for well over an hour. We had lunch with a friend today and she sure was ready for an afternoon nap. She would have slept well past 5 pm if I let her. I got her up at 4 with the intent of putting her to bed a little earlier. With the time change we have been putting her to bed at 7 instead of 6, which means she sleeps in later too. I thought maybe putting her back to her 6 pm-6 am would help her get back into a routine. Luckily she was ready for bed at 6 pm. However she played, cried, squealed, laughed and called out "dadadadada" over and over again for almost an hour and a half. Finally we gave in and peeked in her room. As soon as we opened the door she started laughing and giggling. She had both her blankets, bottle and her pants thrown over the side of her crib. That's right... her pants. She took off her jammie bottoms and threw them overboard with everything else. After she was done laughing she just whined and kept signing for milk. We gave her a little bit of milk and we knew when she finished it because all we could hear was her banging her bottle against the side of her crib. She is such a funny little stinker.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Team Utah
Congratulations to the TOP Utah agents by line of business for February, 2012.
Please take a look and see where you rank in the State.
Keep up the great work, and happy selling!
Please take a look and see where you rank in the State.
Keep up the great work, and happy selling!
Top Fire NBNH for February goes to...
1st Place: Taylor Fenton
The good, the bad and the sad...
I feel like Sage is looking more and more like a little girl and not a baby. Some said that I will not always take so many pictures of her, but I haven't found that to be true yet. I just want to remember ever little smile and expression. I want to remember everything... the good, the bad, the sad... Last night was really sad. Taylor was saying how cold it was and went and closed our bedroom window and asked if I had opened Sage's window. I thought he had closed it and he said he didn't know it was open so just closed the blinds. I went in her room to check and there was an awful smell. I peeked in her crib to see her sound asleep on top of a pile of blankets and her feet sitting in a pile of throw up. When we put her to bed she cried out, but it was just for a minute and then there was silence, so we didn't think anything of it. We got her up and changed the bedding and her jammies. We felt pretty bad. She sure did wake up happy today though.
Sage loves to cover her ears. We have no idea where she learned that, but she covers them and just laughs. She thinks it is so funny. |
We celebrated Taylor's birthday this past weekend. Sage and I got him up with balloons and a couple presents. Michael & Mary watched Sage for us while went to see Hunger Games in the morning. Afterwards we came home and relaxed while Sage girl napped and then we went back to City Creek to look around and have some dinner. We wanted Sage to sing and have a cup cake with us so we were going to do it on Sunday, but Taylor woke up with the flu. Luckily it didn't hit him too hard and he was filling a lot better by the afternoon. We ended up singing and eating cupcakes Monday night. We love that man and are so glad he was born! He is perfect for us! We hope twenty-five is good to him!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
City Creek
It was really fun to finally go to the long awaited City Creek. It was fun to see all the excitement. It opened on Thursday and we went Friday afternoon and again on Saturday afternoon to look around some more and get some dinner. Friday afternoon we took tracks downtown, which was fun. Saturday we just drove down there. I feel like City Creek is very classy with lots of high end stores, which makes for some fun window shopping. We did do a little shopping though. Sage found a dress at H&M, Taylor found a couple shirts at American Eagle and I found a shirt at Forever 21. Its fun to just walk around without shopping too. I love the atmosphere. The Church has done a spectacular job. The architecture is beautiful and I love the creek and fountains. It was great to see downtown so alive.
Friday, March 23, 2012
(Ignore the poor picture quality from my phone) The picture on the left shows how Sage greeted us this morning when we went to get her up for the day. She even slept in an extra hour. Her hair is always this crazy in the morning, but she usually at least has a smile on her face. I guess she woke up on the wrong side of the crib. On the right you can see a much happier reaction as I went in to get her up from her afternoon nap. Oh, she makes me smile even with her grumpy face.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Daddy Daughter Day
I went to bed with a headache and a little stomach ache and then woke up sick with the flu in the middle of the night. When Sage heard my voice this morning as she had breakfast and played with Taylor, she went crazy for me. She banged on our bedroom door and kept yelling for me. I gave her kisses through the door and she made kissy sounds right back to me. When she got up from her nap Taylor got her dressed and even did her hair and the two of them ran to Target to get me some Sprite. Now they're off running an errand and picking themselves up some lunch. Taylor says they're having a daddy daughter day. I love it! I love watching them together. There is something special about a daddy daughter relationship and I know Taylor looks forward to many daddy daughter days to come! Sage sure loves her daddy and I love him too. He's so good to us!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
This is how we spent yesterday afternoon waiting for Taylor to get home from work. Bowls full of water and a spoon kept this little girl busy for a good 20 minutes. It may not have been quite warm enough, but the sun was shining down on us and it felt so nice to sit outside and this girl didn't mind a bit. When Taylor pulled up Sage got a huge smile on her face and started yelling, "dada dada," which is currently her favorite word.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Twenty five was a good year for me, but I have a feeling 26 is going to be even better! Taylor and I celebrated my birthday by going to Tucanos for lunch on Friday. We were both too full for dinner but snacked on pita chips on the blow up mattress we set up in the front room to watch the movie we red boxed. Saturday morning I came home from the gym to green waffles Taylor made. Taylor wouldn't let me clean a thing. He got everything all cleaned up since he knows I don't like to come home to a mess after being away. We spent the weekend in Paradise. Grandma made the traditional St.Patrick's day dinner of yummy corn beef & cabbage and yummy cake. We sang twice. Once for me and once for Taylor since is birthday is next Saturday. Tony and Jeanne joined us too. I know I have said this before, but it is so nice to have them both up there in Paradise. As always it was a weekend of lots of eating and resting. We always eat way too much when we are there and to make it even worse Taylor and I picked up a banana cream pie from Maddox and Jeanne also brought Udderly Peanutbutterly Ice-cream which I can't help but eat a little too much of. Grandma and Taylor dressed Sage up for my day. They were going to bring her out with the cake, but she was kind of a little monster and wasn't going to make it that late. I am grateful for such a great husband, daughter and wonderful family.
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Fell asleep drinking her green milk on the way to Paradise. |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
We have had a crazy last week in our home. Towards the end of last week Taylor had some back pain from getting hit while playing basketball. Saturday morning he woke up in a lot of pain and realized he had a kidney stone. He has had several of them and knows what the symptoms are and the horrific pain. He went to the doctor and got checked out and some pain meds. He was feeling better without having to take them and even played in his basketball game Saturday evening. However, in the middle of the night he woke up in great pain and took some medicine. The medicine made him so sick and he was so dehydrated and couldn't keep anything down. Tony came over and gave him a blessing and took him to the ER. Thank goodness for good neighbors/friends that watched Sage for me so I could go be with him at the hospital. They got him hydrated, took some xrays and a scan and sent him home with some more pain meds, medicine for the nausea and a referral for a urologist.The xrays showed he has 4mm stone, which is not good. They also compared the scan with a scan they took in 2008 and there has not been any changes to his PKD. Monday he went to the urologist and they said he had a 50% chance of passing it on his own. He set an appointment up to have it blasted Tuesday, which he ended up canceling because he is not feeling any more pain. He is still not feeling great, but the pain is gone. We're hoping he passed it on his own and there is no more pain waiting ahead. Taylor has such a good attitude and sense of humor- even when he is in pain. He said he should start naming his kidney stones and that if he did this one would be named "Stubborn". He has lots of stones up there, so it is just a matter of time. I'm grateful this is his first one since we have been married and hope we don't have to experience them often. It is awful watching someone you love in pain.
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This is Taylor pretending he is dead. Someone asked how he was doing and he said he just finished writing his obituary. Poor boy felt like he was really going to die. |
Friday, March 9, 2012
A is for Apple
I'm working on an Alphabet Book for Sage which will include pictures of her with items of each letter of the alphabet. I haven't decided how I am going to print it yet because I want it to be a book she can look at and enjoy without me having to worry about her ruining it. Maybe I'll just print out the pictures and put them in a cheap photo book with letter stickers on each picture sleeve? Or maybe I will use contact paper to put the pictures/letters over the pictures of another board book? We'll see. It is also more difficult than you would think trying to come up with all the pictures because I want them to be items that are significant to her little one year old self and that she will be able to recognize...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Folded arms
The gospel is a great blessing in our lives. If there is just one thing we can teach our children in this life, it is to love their Savior by helping them gain their own testimony of the Gospel. Sage folds her arms when we pray. They do not always stay folded, but she folds them. This is not something we taught her. One day she just did it. She saw us fold our arms and so she folded hers. It is a powerful testimony of the power of example. I know she is watching and soaking everything in- the good and the bad. Being a parent makes me want to be better and do better.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I decided I wanted to put up curtains.
I have wanted to since the day we moved into Starcrest over two years ago.
I found curtains I really like that bring out the blue in the new pillow I just had to have from Home Goods.
I said it could be an early birthday gift because I wanted it so bad.
Taylor said he had bigger plans for me, but if I wanted a pillow then I could have it.
I got it.
And I got my curtains.
A curtain rod?
A much harder task.
I looked at Target, Ross and TJ Max with no success.
9:00 last night I decided I was going to go to Walmart and find a rod because I couldn't wait to put them up.
I found a rod.
Ironed my curtains.
Taylor started to put the rod up.
It was too small.
Back to Walmart I went. Exchanged it at 10:00pm.
Taylor tried to put them up again and the brackets did not extend out far enough.
Taylor made me give it up for the night.
Sent Taylot to HomeDepot at 7:30 this morning to search for extendable brackets.
We hunted at HomeDepot, Lowes, Bed Bath and Beyond and Walmart.
Nowhere could we find extendable brackets that held a 1 inch rod-only 3/4 inch or 5/8 inch.
Taylor got home a little before 6pm when we should have been putting Sage down for bed.
Instead we went to Home Depot and bought another rod that is 3/4 inch and got the extendable brackets.
Lost the receipt to Walmart so we got store credit for the second rod I got at 10pm last night.
Forgot to mention I had to jump in the dumpster to get the box for it.
Don't worry it was pretty empty- still gross, I know...
Sage was in bed by 6:30 and my curtains were up by 7:00.
Oh and this rod came with extendable brackets so back to Home Depot we will go to return the others.
I think they are beautiful.
But were they worth all that?
Probably not.
I sure did marry a good man though.
I have wanted to since the day we moved into Starcrest over two years ago.
I found curtains I really like that bring out the blue in the new pillow I just had to have from Home Goods.
I said it could be an early birthday gift because I wanted it so bad.
Taylor said he had bigger plans for me, but if I wanted a pillow then I could have it.
I got it.
And I got my curtains.
A curtain rod?
A much harder task.
I looked at Target, Ross and TJ Max with no success.
9:00 last night I decided I was going to go to Walmart and find a rod because I couldn't wait to put them up.
I found a rod.
Ironed my curtains.
Taylor started to put the rod up.
It was too small.
Back to Walmart I went. Exchanged it at 10:00pm.
Taylor tried to put them up again and the brackets did not extend out far enough.
Taylor made me give it up for the night.
Sent Taylot to HomeDepot at 7:30 this morning to search for extendable brackets.
We hunted at HomeDepot, Lowes, Bed Bath and Beyond and Walmart.
Nowhere could we find extendable brackets that held a 1 inch rod-only 3/4 inch or 5/8 inch.
Taylor got home a little before 6pm when we should have been putting Sage down for bed.
Instead we went to Home Depot and bought another rod that is 3/4 inch and got the extendable brackets.
Lost the receipt to Walmart so we got store credit for the second rod I got at 10pm last night.
Forgot to mention I had to jump in the dumpster to get the box for it.
Don't worry it was pretty empty- still gross, I know...
Sage was in bed by 6:30 and my curtains were up by 7:00.
Oh and this rod came with extendable brackets so back to Home Depot we will go to return the others.
I think they are beautiful.
But were they worth all that?
Probably not.
I sure did marry a good man though.
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Perfect Birthday
Our girl turned 1 on Friday. She woke up bright and early as usual and we greeted her with a giant happy birthday and singing. First thing in the morning Taylor made her a "car" with a box from Costco. He even cut out a little door and door handle, made it nice and cushy and in went her and "Sweetie" (her little baby). She loved every second of it and went on several rides throughout the day. After a morning nap we went to lunch at Corner Bakery. Our sandwiches were not very 1 year old friendly, but she sure enjoyed some chocolate cake. We walked around the mall for a bit and even ran into Aunt Jodie and Sage's Grandma Jeanne. Later in the evening the Averyts came over to celebrate with us. They love our little girl so we knew we had to include them in her big day. We ate dinner, sang happy birthday and watched her demolish her cupcake. Saturday was her big owl birthday party with cousins and grandparents. It was a lot of fun. Sage is so blessed with such wonderful friends and family that love her. We ate yummy food that her Great Grandma Jackie and Grandma Jeanne helped. We had homemade mac and cheese, pasta with chicken, salad, bread sticks, relishes, and fruit-ka-bobs. The Petersons were able to join us too so Sage was able to see her boyfriend, Cole. Sage was able to see all almost all the special people in her life. (We missed a few people due to sickness and due to living out of state.) Taylor and I worked really hard to make it an extra special party for her. I love detail and all the little extra things, but what made her party so special was that Sage was happy and had a good time with lots of loved ones. It was perfect.
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Taylor and I got her this big baby doll that matches her little baby doll. She would not put it down. Notice she has it in almost every picture from this point of the party on. |
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I started this post the day before her birthday knowing I wouldn't get around to it on the actual day. I got as far as uploading the pictures and never got a chance to write. I did write her 1 year birthday letter though, which is in her memory box. It has been a wonderful first year and we have had a great time celebrating her birth day! Birthday Celebration Post to come...
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