Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Best Part of My Day
Taylor is on his way home from work. He worked a little later tonight so I put Sage down for bed by myself, which is fine, but we usually do it together. In her dark, quite (with the exception of the humming of the fan) room I leaned against her crib with her in my arms to say a little prayer. As I prayed I peeked my eyes open and Sage had her arms folded and was staring right at me. I closed my eyes and continued my prayer as I heard little kissy sounds and felt little kisses on my face. She is such a sweet girl. Best part of my day.
A moment to remember
Let me preface this by saying Sage will never lay and cuddle with us. She is always on the move. She had a hard time going to sleep our first night up in Paradise. I think it's because we hadn't been up for a while and she doesn't like sleeping in the pack n play. She laid down on me and I rubbed and patted her back. She rubbed and patted my arm. I kissed her forehead and she turned and kissed me back. She fell asleep on me. I didn't want to move. Not because I was afraid she would wake up, but because I loved her loving me and her sweet face resting on me. I loved her warm little breath and feeling her little heart beat beating against mine. I love that little girl of mine.
Memorial Weekend Highlights
I didn't take many pictures over the weekend, but here are the highlights and the pictures I did take of us checking out the piglets.
Friday evening- Red Boxed the movie "We Bought A Zoo" (we recommend it, although we think it should be rated PG-13 not PG)
Saturday- Taylor and I cleaned, did laundry and packed for the weekend. Taylor cleaned out the car too. After Sage girls nap and eating lunch we went to a princess birthday party for Princess Lacie. We then headed up to Paradise along with Tony and Lexi's family. Grandma and Papa joined us at Tony and Jeanne's for dinner. We went back to Grandma and Papa's house at bedtime. We watched a movie and went to bed.
Sunday- Went to church and hung out with Grandma and Papa. Paradise is so relaxing. In the evening we went over to Tony and Jeanne's to visit for a little bit before having to put Sage to bed. Jodie and McKay and their girls came over at bedtime. They stayed the night at Grandma and Papa's with us. Jeanne, Lexi and Tony came over after all the kids were in bed to play games with us. We played several games of Rummikub and we all enjoyed Grandma's delicious hot chocolate. After Tony, Lexi and Jeanne left Jodie, McKay, Taylor, Papa and I played Ticket to Ride. By the time we went to bed Sage had already been sleeping over 6 hours. It was a late night game night.
Monday- Another game of Ticket to Ride and throwing rocks in the stream. Taylor edged the lawn/planters for Papa. After Sage's nap we went over to Tony & Jeanne's, hung out and had lunch. We went back to Grandma and Papa's for Sage's nap. ( A lot of back and forth- good thing they only live right down the street from each other!) Taylor went shooting. We went and saw the little piglets and did a little more shooting and riding the four wheelers.
An Angel Among Us
Taylor's Grandma Fenton, who I have considered my very own Grandma, passed away recently. I have put off writing this post because I don't know what I could possibly say that would describe the remarkable woman that she is, how much she is loved and how much she is going to be missed. We miss her already. She was our greatest fan and always made us feel so loved. She was always happy to see us. We enjoyed our visits with her and are going to miss her stories and sense of humor. We are grateful to have been able to live so close to her the past year and been able to visit with her often. The last week even when she was not feeling well she had a smile on her face and put smiles on ours. Taylor will be writing down all his memories of Grandma. We want our children to feel like they know her. She is our angel. We love you Grandma! We are grateful for the knowledge of the Gospel and so very grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ. We know we will see our Grandma again!
Beulah Irene Boden Fenton
Our cherished and devoted angel wife, mother, grandmother great-grandmother, aunt and friend passed away on May 18, 2012. She was born December 27, 1922 to Roscoe Boden and Dorothea Pickett in Jerome Idaho.
She graduated from South High School in 1939. It was there that she met the love of her life, Joseph Stephen Fenton. They were married on July 19, 1941 in the Salt Lake Temple. He preceded her in death on September 15, 2002. Together they raised a family of 5 sons and 1 daughter. Mom was always supportive of her children and grandchildren and loved to spend time with them. There was never a family gathering she didn't look forward to. Cooking brought Mom lots of joy and her family dinners were divine. Her roast beef and gravy were unmatched. She was the hostess with the mostess.
Some of her most treasured friends were part of Agaila Mu, a women's club whose motto was "Seek the Heights." She loved this group of women as they participated together in this club for over 56 years.
As a faithful member of the LDS Church, she served faithfully and lovingly in many callings but recalled often her fond memories as Relief Society President. She also served with her husband as a temple worker in the Salt Lake Temple.
She took care of her own mother in her home for six years and resided with her daughter Mary's family who gave love and self-sacrificing service for eight years. Mom has gracefully endured to the end with patience, faith and humor amid many health challenges. Her sweetness and love imparted strength to family members, friends and acquaintances. She had a fun, upbeat personality and a person was always better for having known her.
As Boots rejoins her beloved Joe, she is survived by her children, Joseph R. (Sarah), Stephen C. (Kathy), James A. (Joyce), Anthony D. (Jeanne), Mary Karren (Alan) and Michael T. (Kathleen). She was also blessed with 30 grandchildren and 67 great-grandchildren. Two sisters-in-law, Helen Fenton and Glenna Boden, also survive her. Her husband and siblings Maxine Farmer, Mary Mellenthin, Roscoe Boden, Jr. and Gael Boden preceded her in death.
The family wishes to thank Mom's special caregivers, Dr. Gregory Miller, Tara, Jolene, Lori, Miney, Emily, Debbie and Marilyn for their compassionate service. She loved you all.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 12:00 noon at the Valley View Stake Center, 2245 East 3900 South. A viewing will be held Tuesday, May 22, 2012 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Wasatch Lawn Mortuary, 3401 South Highland Drive, and at the church on Wednesday, from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park.
Our cherished and devoted angel wife, mother, grandmother great-grandmother, aunt and friend passed away on May 18, 2012. She was born December 27, 1922 to Roscoe Boden and Dorothea Pickett in Jerome Idaho.
She graduated from South High School in 1939. It was there that she met the love of her life, Joseph Stephen Fenton. They were married on July 19, 1941 in the Salt Lake Temple. He preceded her in death on September 15, 2002. Together they raised a family of 5 sons and 1 daughter. Mom was always supportive of her children and grandchildren and loved to spend time with them. There was never a family gathering she didn't look forward to. Cooking brought Mom lots of joy and her family dinners were divine. Her roast beef and gravy were unmatched. She was the hostess with the mostess.
Some of her most treasured friends were part of Agaila Mu, a women's club whose motto was "Seek the Heights." She loved this group of women as they participated together in this club for over 56 years.
As a faithful member of the LDS Church, she served faithfully and lovingly in many callings but recalled often her fond memories as Relief Society President. She also served with her husband as a temple worker in the Salt Lake Temple.
She took care of her own mother in her home for six years and resided with her daughter Mary's family who gave love and self-sacrificing service for eight years. Mom has gracefully endured to the end with patience, faith and humor amid many health challenges. Her sweetness and love imparted strength to family members, friends and acquaintances. She had a fun, upbeat personality and a person was always better for having known her.
As Boots rejoins her beloved Joe, she is survived by her children, Joseph R. (Sarah), Stephen C. (Kathy), James A. (Joyce), Anthony D. (Jeanne), Mary Karren (Alan) and Michael T. (Kathleen). She was also blessed with 30 grandchildren and 67 great-grandchildren. Two sisters-in-law, Helen Fenton and Glenna Boden, also survive her. Her husband and siblings Maxine Farmer, Mary Mellenthin, Roscoe Boden, Jr. and Gael Boden preceded her in death.
The family wishes to thank Mom's special caregivers, Dr. Gregory Miller, Tara, Jolene, Lori, Miney, Emily, Debbie and Marilyn for their compassionate service. She loved you all.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 12:00 noon at the Valley View Stake Center, 2245 East 3900 South. A viewing will be held Tuesday, May 22, 2012 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Wasatch Lawn Mortuary, 3401 South Highland Drive, and at the church on Wednesday, from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. prior to services. Interment Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Friday morning
This is what our Friday morning looked like:
7 a.m wake up
strawberry waffles and blackberries with whipped creme
2.5 hour nap
playing in the tub of beans
dancing to kids bop music. The song, "I like to move it move it" gets her moving. She has a new bend the knees and bounce dance that is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
being a princess
craft- collage (the feathers were a favorite)
snack of pirate booty which ended up thrown on the floor
turkey wraps for lunch while watching Thomas the Train
bubble bath with lots of splashing
lots of lotion and blow drying the hair followed by brushing the teeth
a warm bottle of milk
maybe a nap? She's in there talking away!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
My little monkey
The other day I called Sage my "little monkey" and she ran over to the entertainment center and tried to open it up, kept pointing and making monkey sounds... she wanted to watch Curious George. She doesn't watch much television. In fact, she watches close to no television at all, but every once in a while I will put a show on for her. (which she will sit for about a minute and watch) The last several times I have attempted to have her watch a show to buy myself a little time, it has been Curious George. She usually just sits through the opening song and then is over it, but that little monkey sure has left an impression on her.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Dream Job
Sage gets into everything. I was losing my patients the other day when Taylor called me. I guess he could tell by the tone of my voice that something was wrong. I told him I was just frustrated and when he asked me why and I proceeded to tell him how Sage has taken everything out of every drawer she can get her little hands on, he asked me what the problem was and reminded me that that is her job- her full time job. I immediately realized he was right and it was a good reminder. But sometimes her full time job makes my full time job a little more difficult! There are so many moments of imperfection, but I must remember that I have my dream job! I am a mother. I can't get enough of our little bug. She brightens my day with her spunky personality. She constantly makes me smile and laugh. I wish I could bottle up her little laugh and sweet hugs and kisses. I want to never forget her new squinty scowl she gives or the curious & nosy expression she gives when she is discovering something new. I wish I could freeze time or bottle up these memories. I mostly don't ever want to forget. I want to remember every detail. The other roll of my dream job is being a wife. How did I get so lucky to find and marry my best friend? I am so grateful for our little family of three. I love being a wife and a mother. I scored my dream job.
Hidden Treasures
We have my phone set up so all the pictures I take automatically sync to the computer, but Taylor's phone doesn't. He finally uploaded the pictures from his phone onto the computer and we found some pictures that have been forgotten, but that are treasures. Love these pictures and these memories.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Mountview Park
We really love our location and if our location wasn't already great they just officially opened the new park that is right across the street from us. It has a splash pad and the best playground and a fun little playground for little bugs like Sage, a pavilion, soccer field, basketball and tennis courts. We walked over there yesterday afternoon and although it was a little chilly with the breeze it was a nice day to be outside. Sage ran all around and we happily chased her.
Domestic Diva
Taylor calls me a domestic diva and now I can add bread making to my homemaking skills. Ha! Jodie, Jill, Jeanne and I went to a bread making class the other week. 5 ingredients and 1 hour from start to finish to make up to 4 loaves of bread. It is so easy and so good. The four of us got together this past week and made some and then Taylor and I made 2 batches of rolls. We do not eat a lot of bread in our home, but we will for sure be making at least a loaf every week. The class we went to was for white, french and Italian bread, but they also do a wheat class and a pizza/calzone class which I would like try.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
She gets around!
We made a new movie of our little bug. Enjoy! (For some reason I can't get the video to be viewed larger, so to see it bigger click here and then you can select to see it full screen.)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Our week so far
Monday, May 14, 2012
Home away form Home
Yesterday after church we decided to come home, eat lunch, pack our bag and go for a long drive... all the way to Paradise! Taylor's dad was out of town so Jeanne was home alone on Mother's Day, so we thought it would be nice to surprise her. We had fun spending time with her. I called my Grandma on our way up to let her know we were going to be up there (Grandma & Papa live right down the road from Taylor's parents- lucky us, huh?) and she was fixing dinner so she fixed a little extra for us to pick up and have dinner with Jeanne. We ate, talked, played games and were introduced to the new show Touch. We stayed the night and had to leave first thing this morning because Taylor had to get to work and we had to pick up my friend from the airport. We of course couldn't leave without jumping on the trampoline, feeding the chickens and enjoying the beauty of Paradise. Paradise is a home away from home. We love it up there and have so many wonderful memories.
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