Harper girl, Harper Bug, Harper Lee
3 months! This past month you have become quite smiley. You make us so happy. You are much more awake and are becoming more aware of your surroundings which is making it more difficult for you to sleep with a screaming sister who is jumping all around or getting in and out of the car. You still sleep in mommy and daddy's room, although we are planning on making the switch from our room to yours this next week after your Grandpa Davey's visit. You are a great night sleeper, but we would all sleep better in our own beds. Mom wakes up every time you move and thinks you need to eat when in reality you just finished eating... You always start the night in your bassinet though. The last few nights you haven't woke up and joined our bed until the early morning of 5:30ish... You have been wearing 3 month clothes for a few weeks now. You still love to nurse, but have been taking the bottle a little more. We go on lots of walks these days, which you usually sleep right through. On occasion you're awake and get to feel the wind on your face and the warmth of the sun. You are also a little chatter box. You have a lot to say. At your 2 month appointment that you did not have until about 2 and half months, so just a couple weeks ago... you weighed 11 lbs 11.5 oz and were 23 inches. 56% for weight and height. We also got your ears pierced this past month. You also went with mom to California and got to meet lots of family and friends. You were an angel on the plane, which is no surprise. You are our angel. You are the calm our family needs. You are perfect for us. We love you.