Everyone thinks that their dad or husband is the best, but Taylor was already awarded husband/father of the year on the first of January. He truly is our superman and our hero. We sure love him. The girls and I surprised him with a weekend getaway at the Zermatt Resort in Midway. It wasn't easy keeping the surprise, but we pulled it off and it was a blast. It was just what our little family needed. A weekend away and to ourselves. We swam, fed the goats several times, road the carousel, went mini golfing, played at a local park and ate some yummy food from a local hole in the wall place. Every weekend the Homestead Resort, which is the Zarmatt's sister resort and right across the road has a concert in the lawn. Father's Day weekend was the amazing and talented David Tolk who we both just love and who is a favorite of Taylors. It was so perfect. Sunday the girls wore "My dad is super shirts" and spoiled their daddy with gifts, candy and a video of pictures of them with there super hero dad!