Harper at 9 months...
- 17.97 lbs (33%) and 27.56 inches (49%)
- thinks it is hilarious when you pretend sneeze
- is so ticklish, especially under her neck
- pulls herself up to stand whenever and wherever she can
- has two teeth on the bottom, one which has broke through but has not really come in yet and is getting another one on top!
- is the best sleeper. sleeps on her tummy most of the time.
- "talking" a lot. saying mamamama and dadadada.
- is a speed crawler, shoe eating, wipe puller outer, crumb finding sweetheart
- likes to splash in the bath
- has the best smile and laugh
- loves her sister even though she gets pushed around sometimes.
- loves yogurt melts and graham crackers
- does the downward dog, especially when she is tired.
- wants to touch and get into everything.
- is usually a quiet observer, but has a sly & funny personality and although she often appears very serious she is so smiley and so funny
- is already a daddy's girl
- is wearing 6-12 months or 9 month clothing, size 3 diapers