Sunday, January 31, 2010


Just a couple pictures of our place. We are living in Orem. Taylor is at BYU and I am going to U of U. We were originally going to live somewhere in between, but since I am taking most of my classes online and will be graduating in August we decided to find something closer to BYU. We really like our place- It is perfect for us... It has been a lot of fun decorating and organizing. Who would have ever thought two people could have so much junk? But it has been fun. We are so grateful for all the friends and family that have been so generous in helping us get everything we need.
Here is a picture of our front room. Our dungeon, which is starting to look more like an office and our bedroom are works in progress- so we will save those for another day!

We love our green stove! Although... we burnt a lot of food until we realized the temperature was off. I made some brownies thinking I was baking them at 300 degrees and for 25 minutes to be safe and they still were burnt to a crisp. The setting said 300 degrees, but it was really 500 degrees!!

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