Taylor and I have LOST our live as we watch episode after episode of LOST! We love it! We do miss Jack Bauer, but LOST is exciting in a whole new way. We have already watched almost 2 seasons in just 2 weeks!
Besides our latest obsession we kinda have just been surviving. We both have been working a lot and I have not been feeling so good so LOST has been it... nothing too eventful to report. Taylor has been so good to me and so good to help around the house and fix dinner for us. He does way more than his share. I feel bad, but I am starting to feel better so life can get back to normal. Although who am I kidding? Life is not going to get back to normal... life is going to become a new normal, which we are both very excited about. I am just about done with my first trimester! Taylor is now convinced that we are having a little boy. We both have felt since day one that it will be a girl. Time will tell.
School has started for me. My last semester and last 3 classes! I am going to try and enjoy them! Taylor starts back on Monday. He is taking a full load this semester and will also have a full load in the Spring. And then he will be done too! He has added a minor in psychology and has started thinking about and researching grad schools... Life is good, life is great, life is wonderful!
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