Monday, April 4, 2011
1 month
You are 1 month! We feel like you have been with us forever and can't imagine our lives without you. You are a great blessing! At your 2 week appointment you weighed 7 lbs 4 oz. Now at 1 month you weigh 8 lbs 11.5 oz! You are such a good baby. This past month you have had lots of visitors. You have so many people who love you so much and that are always asking about you. Your Great Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Davey are always texting mom "more pics". Mom is constantly sending them picture mail of you. Your favorite thing is cuddling with us and sleeping in our bed. You usually start the night out in your crib, but end up in ours. Most nights you wake up about 12, 3 and 6 to eat. You do not like to be swaddled because you like having your arms. Your hands are always by your sweet face. You can often be found sleeping with your arms up above your head. You suck your little fist and snort like a little piglet when you are getting hungry and cry if we do not get you a bottle fast enough. You usually drink about 3 oz every 2-3 hours. You like your binkie. You love taking showers with us and love getting out with a warm towel, just out of the dryer, wrapped around you. You also love having the small space heater we have on your changing table blowing warm air on you as we change you. Car rides do not seem to bother you, although you do not like getting into your car seat and you sometimes fuss at red lights or when the sun is in your face. You spit up a lot. You are still wearing newborn diapers and your newborn clothes are just starting to get a little snug. You like listening to Colby Caillat. You do not mind the swing and often fall asleep swinging. You like falling asleep in our arms or laying on our chests and we have to very carefully put you down in your crib. If we put you down too soon you wake up and cry and fuss for a while. You like the Moby. You get the hiccups a lot. You still sleep a lot, but when you are awake we try to sing to you and read you books. Every night we read Book of Mormon Stories with you and say prayers with you. You are getting strong. When on your tummy you are getting pretty good at lifting your head. You are getting good at following things with your eyes. You hold our fingers when we hold you or even grab hold of our shirt collars. You are so loved. We love you so much!

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