Sage you are 2 months old! We love you more and more every day. You went to see Doctor Simmons a few days ago for your 2 month check-up. You weigh 10 lbs 7 oz which is the 44
th percentile and are 22.2 inches long which is the 46
th percentile. You are just perfect! Your eyes are turning more dark blue like your daddy's eyes, but you still have lots of dark brown hair like mom. Everyone always comments on your hair and your eyes too. People are always saying how alert you are. You are starting to smile and coo more and more every day. We love it. You are eating between 3 and 4 oz every 2 to 3 hours. You do not wake up as much in the night. Last night we fed you at 7 and you didn't wake up until after 1 in the morning. You went right back to sleep and slept until 6 am. That does not always happen, but you are beginning to go longer between feedings in the night. We tried to sleep train you a couple weeks ago, but mom could not stand to hear you cry. We are going to try again though. Hopefully next month we can write that you sleep in your crib! Depending on the night sometimes you will start out in your crib, but you always wake up in the morning with us. You sure do love to cuddle. Sometimes your hair is soaking with sweat, but it doesn't seem to bother you. You still like your
binky, but can't keep it in your mouth very well. Your mom has become one of the mom's she swore she would never become- the mom who sits in the backseat with the baby instead of up front with her husband. You do not like your
carseat and more often then not will scream the entire car ride. You are wearing size 1 diapers and are wearing 0-3 month clothes now. You still love taking showers, but enjoy your baths as well. We put oil and lotion on you after every bath. You still snort like a little piglet, especially when you are mad. Your eyes roll in the back of your head when you get sleepy and you always fight going to sleep. We usually swaddle you tight and hold you close and that usually gets you to calm down and go to sleep. This past month you hung out with dad while mom went back to work for a couple weeks (just a few hours a couple days a week), went to church for the first time, attended your dad's graduation, went on your first hike that was cut short due to a rainstorm, and went on lots of walks. Most days you stay home with mom and sleep and eat. You also celebrated your first Easter. You still tuck your thumb between your pointer and middle finger. We read the Book of Mormon to you most evenings. You love to be held and couldn't be more spoiled. We love you!
She's a sweetheart and you two are great parents. I'm glad I get to be the proud grandparent! Love ya!
This little girl is too precious!! We need to get together once this crazy weekend is over :)
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