Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Today Nathan Arun Cresine entered the world! He weighed 6 lbs 3 oz. We love him so much and can't wait to meet him next month! Congrats Uncle Timmy and Aunt Mum! I love blogging. It is my journal and our family history. Sometimes there is something exciting to write about and other times there is nothing very eventful, but I want to remember it all! I really need to finish putting our posts from last year into a book. I think I left off in September, so it shouldn't take me too long. Today Sage and I played and read books. Sage ate sweet potato (she loves it), but gagged when I tried to feed her avocado in the afternoon. We went to Walgreens but all of the good deals were gone, went to Smiths, came home and made Sage carrots, yams, pears and bananas (to freeze for later) and made some yummy enchiladas for dinner. Taylor came home and brought me red roses, my favorite Reeses Cups and the sweetest card. He is playing basketball now and Sage is in bed. I have a pile of laundry sitting on the couch that I should finish and I still have a mess to unpack/organize in our room, but I don't feel like doing it right now. I just want to relax and work on a few projects I am working on. When Taylor gets home we are going to watch an episode of Prison Break. We are on the last season and it is so good.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
We spent the weekend up in Paradise. It was fun to be able to visit both families. We spent a little time up at Taylor's parents when we got up there. Jodie and the girls and Mary, Michael and Grandma Fenton were up there also. Mary and Michael have been making chocolates and someone from Jeanne's ward came by to show them a few things. Mary and Michael had made the fondant and brought them to dip and learn some signatures. Their chocolates are so good. "Karren Candies" is what they will be named. Michael designed a fun logo and made it into a stamp. So fun! I gave it a try, but I'm afraid my chocolates were not as pretty. It is a lot harder than it looks. It really is an art. We then headed over to Grandma and Papa's where we relaxed and just spent time with them. Grandma watched Sage while we went and played a couple games with Jeanne and Jodie. Sage has been a little monster. We don't know what her deal is, but she has not been sleeping well the past couple days and last night. She is exhausted. We are exhausted. We switched her to soy formula to see if it would help her spitting up, but it hasn't helped. Maybe the switch of formula has something to do with it? Or maybe she has just had so many loving Grandmas and Grandpas around her that she just wants to stay up and play... Today we relaxed and Tony & Jeanne came over to Grandma & Papa's for a late lunch after church. We are loving having both families up there and can't wait for our next visit!
Friday, August 19, 2011
ModBod Madness
Tonight we got Sage ready for bed and headed down to Springville (which is about an hour South of us) to the ModBod Warehouse Sale. For $15 you could stuff a bag with as many items as you could fit. It was quite the adventure. Our GPS took us through South Provo to a recycling plant. We then put the address into Taylor's phone and used that GPS which took us out in the middle of nowhere because we entered the address incorrectly. Finally we made it and it was a zoo! There were probably a couple thousand people there; mostly women of course, but lots of supportive husbands cheering and helping stuff the bags. One husband was telling his wife that she was not being aggressive enough. Taylor sat on the sidelines with Sage. He put her in a basket and she enjoyed watching the madness. Taylor stuffed and restuffed for me. It took a few attempts to find the best stuffing technique. It was fun to watch everyone try and stuff as much as they could into a tiny little bag. They say that their "bag stuffing experts" say you could stuff 4-6 shirts in a bag. One lady claimed to have had 12 shirts and a swimsuit! We tried to match her, but we did not have any luck fitting the impossible. We did manage to leave with 2 bags, $30 dollars later, a dozen or so bug bites with 6 long sleeved shirts, 4 short sleeved shirts and 2 swimsuits! Not bad! It was insane, but most definitely. We stopped and heated Sage's bottle at the gas station, fed her and headed home. She is such a good sport. Taylor is such a good sport. I know I have said this before, but I sure am one lucky lady!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Newest Utah Residents!
After a very long 2 weeks and a very long trip out here, Grandma and Papa are officially Utah residents! It all happened so fast, but they rented out their home in Flagstaff and bought a home in Avon, Utah. They are about 5 minutes from Taylor's parents in Paradise, so it will be nice to have Tony & Jeanne and Grandma & Papa to visit while we are up there. Sage and I went up to see them Monday morning and stayed a couple days. I was able to help unpack a little, while Sage got to spend some time with her Grandma Jeanne. Sage is so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents and great-grandparents in her life. The three of us are going to go up again this weekend since Taylor wasn't able to come up with us the other day.

Sage the sitting up, sweet potato loving, crying little bug
Sage is a huge part of our blog because she is a huge part of our lives. She makes us so happy. She has such a sweet and fun personality. She loves to chat and visit. She has started screaming whenever we leave the room, which is not my favorite. Hopefully she will get over that soon, but until then I am trying to enjoy the fact that she loves us being close to her. Before we know it she will be running away from us and wanting to do everything on her own. She loves her sweet potatoes. She has also started to sitting up kinda. She is very very unsteady, but with a little help and if she is distracted with something she will sit for a little bit.

Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Help, Slip N Slide and goodbye to New Haven
Friday night Lorrie and Jeff were so sweet to offer to watch Sage for us, while Taylor and I went to the movie "The Help". After having read the book I can say that although the movie is never as good as the book, "The Help" came pretty close. It makes you laugh, cry, mad and happy. Saturday morning Taylor played golf with Dan and Jake and then in the afternoon we went to the park for some fun on the slip n slide. Thanks to Tony and Lexi for planning it. We had a lot of fun. Lacie was my sliding buddy. Taylor even took Sage down a couple times at the end. It was fun to have everyone together and nice to have Jodie and her girls back. Sage and I just got home from church and she is napping. Taylor has been working one Sunday a month for the past couple years at New Haven, but today was not only his last Sunday but also his last day! It has been a good job and he has enjoyed it. Sundays are usually 16 hour shifts, but he only had to go in from 9-5 today, so he is on his way home now. He had a good last day that ended with a girl running and him having to find her and write an incident report. He is excited to focus of Farmers. WE are excited.

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Agent of the month!
Taylor is agent of the month and ranked #6 out of 30 in his district! He is working really hard and we are so proud of him. He is making his goals happen and is getting his name out there. He has met with several apartment complexes that require renters insurance and they will be referring their tenants to him. We are constantly brainstorming advertising ideas. He had a drawing at the Sargent Family Reunion for an I-Pod Shuffle, which allowed him to collect lots of information of some of his extended family in order to run some quotes for them. Sage and I are so grateful for his desire to provide for our family, which allows me to stay home with our girl. We love you Taylor!
Sage, Sage and more Sage!
Happy to be at Santa Fe
Well, we have survived our move with the help of many people, especially Jeanne. She was so great to come down and help us with the yard to get ready for Jodie to get home and also helped a ton with Sage. Also, Taylor's dad, brother and friends Andrew and Derek and also Dan and Jake helped us. We are really liking our new place. We have so much more room than we did at Starcrest and it is so much nicer.We actually have AC that works so we don't have to bring our mattress out to the front room to sleep (like we did all last summer at Starcrest). The complex is 100% better too. We have a pool, spa, sauna, theater room, business center, laundry services, raquetball courts, volleyball, tennis and basketball courts... We have also met many neighbors around us that all seem super friendly. I think our ward will be interesting to get involved with, but I think it will be good. Several of our ward members actually came over and helped us move in. They also have basketball every day of the week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6 a.m and Tuesday/ Thursday nights at 8 p.m. I feel like our ward is 80% elderly and the rest middle aged, minus maybe five other couples that our ages, but do not have any children. Sage is one of maybe 2 babies in the ward. When I brought her to Relief Society she was the only baby/child in the room. Our primary has just a handfull of children. We hope to be put to work in the ward soon. Everyone we have met so far has been very welcoming. We are happy to be here.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Laffy Taffy Advertising

Taylor and I spent the evening last night making flyers and stuffing them into the door hangers. Pritika suggested putting a piece of candy in the bag so people are more likely to look at it instead of just tossing it out. So, we got a couple tubs of laffy taffy's from Costco. We then took the idea from a flyer he got from work that says, "What if..." and suggests all these awful scenarios that could happen and why it is important to have renters insurance and changed it up a bit and incorporated the laffy taffy. We got colorful paper and redesigned the flyer to read, "You won't be laughing if..." and of course attached the taffy. Clever, huh? Tonight Lexi is going to watch Sage while we go around to our old complex and also to some married student housing. We can only hope for the best!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Our little bug is 5 months!
Sage girl,
Today you are 5 months old! We cannot imagine our lives without you. This month you began eating solids. You have had pears, carrots & pears together, and banana. You loved the pears and were not too sure what to think about the carrots. We just started bananas, but you seem to like them. You are still our little spitter upper, although it has gotten a little better. You usually eat about 5 -6 ounces every few hours. Just recently you have decided not to sleep though the night. You must be growing because you wake up hungry. You typically wake up once during the night and go right back to sleep. There was a week that you were waking up every few hours in the night. Once you started laughing at me at 3 a.m as I changed your diaper. You laugh out loud a lot. We can usually make you laugh by tickling you, saying “boo”, “shake it, shake it” and giving you raspberries. You met your Uncle Michael and Auntie Melissa for the first time. While they were here you experienced the zoo for the first time. You also won your first baby contest and got to be in the parade, which you fell asleep during. You usually nap pretty good during the day and are a good sleeper in your crib. We have recently stopped swaddling you and you seem to enjoy sprawling out. The other morning you were turned 180 degrees. One day you took a nap with mom around 5 pm and you didn’t wake up until 3 a.m. You have a new toy- your exersaucer which you love. You do not roll over too much, but can when you want to. You finished reading Book of Mormon Stories and have started over from the beginning. You do not cry too much In the car. Your hair is getting long on the top and on the sides, but you have a couple places where you lay that are a little thin. Your starting to look like you have a mohawk. You love your baths. We let the water run on your head and you love that. You are starting to outgrow your 3 month clothes. People say you have a good mix of both your mommy and daddy. We think you are just perfect. We love you so much and are so grateful to have you in our family. You are so wonderful.
Love Always,
Mommy & Daddy

Today you are 5 months old! We cannot imagine our lives without you. This month you began eating solids. You have had pears, carrots & pears together, and banana. You loved the pears and were not too sure what to think about the carrots. We just started bananas, but you seem to like them. You are still our little spitter upper, although it has gotten a little better. You usually eat about 5 -6 ounces every few hours. Just recently you have decided not to sleep though the night. You must be growing because you wake up hungry. You typically wake up once during the night and go right back to sleep. There was a week that you were waking up every few hours in the night. Once you started laughing at me at 3 a.m as I changed your diaper. You laugh out loud a lot. We can usually make you laugh by tickling you, saying “boo”, “shake it, shake it” and giving you raspberries. You met your Uncle Michael and Auntie Melissa for the first time. While they were here you experienced the zoo for the first time. You also won your first baby contest and got to be in the parade, which you fell asleep during. You usually nap pretty good during the day and are a good sleeper in your crib. We have recently stopped swaddling you and you seem to enjoy sprawling out. The other morning you were turned 180 degrees. One day you took a nap with mom around 5 pm and you didn’t wake up until 3 a.m. You have a new toy- your exersaucer which you love. You do not roll over too much, but can when you want to. You finished reading Book of Mormon Stories and have started over from the beginning. You do not cry too much In the car. Your hair is getting long on the top and on the sides, but you have a couple places where you lay that are a little thin. Your starting to look like you have a mohawk. You love your baths. We let the water run on your head and you love that. You are starting to outgrow your 3 month clothes. People say you have a good mix of both your mommy and daddy. We think you are just perfect. We love you so much and are so grateful to have you in our family. You are so wonderful.
Love Always,
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, August 1, 2011
Sage loves her Exersaucer!
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