Today you are 5 months old! We cannot imagine our lives without you. This month you began eating solids. You have had pears, carrots & pears together, and banana. You loved the pears and were not too sure what to think about the carrots. We just started bananas, but you seem to like them. You are still our little spitter upper, although it has gotten a little better. You usually eat about 5 -6 ounces every few hours. Just recently you have decided not to sleep though the night. You must be growing because you wake up hungry. You typically wake up once during the night and go right back to sleep. There was a week that you were waking up every few hours in the night. Once you started laughing at me at 3 a.m as I changed your diaper. You laugh out loud a lot. We can usually make you laugh by tickling you, saying “boo”, “shake it, shake it” and giving you raspberries. You met your Uncle Michael and Auntie Melissa for the first time. While they were here you experienced the zoo for the first time. You also won your first baby contest and got to be in the parade, which you fell asleep during. You usually nap pretty good during the day and are a good sleeper in your crib. We have recently stopped swaddling you and you seem to enjoy sprawling out. The other morning you were turned 180 degrees. One day you took a nap with mom around 5 pm and you didn’t wake up until 3 a.m. You have a new toy- your exersaucer which you love. You do not roll over too much, but can when you want to. You finished reading Book of Mormon Stories and have started over from the beginning. You do not cry too much In the car. Your hair is getting long on the top and on the sides, but you have a couple places where you lay that are a little thin. Your starting to look like you have a mohawk. You love your baths. We let the water run on your head and you love that. You are starting to outgrow your 3 month clothes. People say you have a good mix of both your mommy and daddy. We think you are just perfect. We love you so much and are so grateful to have you in our family. You are so wonderful.
Love Always,
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:
It is so fun to see how she has grown and changed. It's hard I know but she keeps getting more beautiful every month. And you Michelle are such a good mom! Love you both.
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