Dear Sage bug,
7 months! We can’t believe it! This month you went on your first vacation, which included your first time on a plane. You were awesome. We went to California and you visited with your Grandpa Davey, Uncle Michael and Aunt Melissa and also met Uncle Timmy, Aunt Mum and your second cousin, Nathan. You also got to see Donna and Donny and meet your new friend Kailee. You also met some of your mommy’s favorite women. You went to the beach for the first time and put your feet in the water. You have mastered sitting up. You are so much fun. You love attention and are such a little ham. You smile, laugh, wave your arms in the air and kick your legs around just to get a smile. You do not like taking naps. You fight it every day unless you fall asleep drinking your bottle. Because of this you are often grouchy. You are feisty. When you get mad you slam your feet up and down. You are an awesome night sleeper though. We do let you cry it out, but you do not usually cry too long and are usually asleep around 6:30 and do not wake up until early morning to eat and then go back to sleep for a couple hours. You love to put everything in your mouth. While driving in the car you often find your hair bows and take them off and try and eat them. They are always soaked after a car ride. You do not show any interest in moving yet. You love to eat fruit, but are not a huge fan of veggies. Some of your favorite fruit is bananas and peaches. You do like yams and sweet potatoes. You also like to eat paper. You are drinking more and more. You can drink 6 ounces without any problems. You still spit up often, but do we dare say you are spitting up less? We are pretty convinced your eyes are going to stay blue like your daddy's. A lot of people think you look more and more like your daddy every day. We have been doing baby signs with you. You love to watch your baby signs video. It is only 15 minutes and it is the only television you watch, but you are glued to it. You love going to your book baby class at the library each week. It is so fun to watch you watch the other children and listen to the stories and songs. You enjoy sitting on your daddy’s shoulders and can sit up there without him supporting your back. Your Great Grandma Jackie fed you some peach cobbler. Needless to say you loved it. You won’t be getting any more of that though… You are taking your binkie less and less when going to sleep. You never take it in the day. You love taking walks with your mommy. You are so observant and alert. You have a fun, outgoing personality. You are a little social butterfly and have fan clubs wherever we go. We love your our Sage girl!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
1 comment:
She and Cole seem so much alike. Crazy! Where did you get your baby signs movie. I heard about that kind of stuff and want to do it. Cole loves TV but I decided its probably not good for him, so we stopped (except baby Einstein's).
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