Monday, May 21, 2012

Dream Job

Sage gets into everything. I was losing my patients the other day when Taylor called me. I guess he could tell by the tone of my voice that something was wrong. I told him I was just frustrated and when he asked me why and I proceeded to tell him how Sage has taken everything out of every drawer she can get her little hands on, he asked me what the problem was and reminded me that that is her job- her full time job. I  immediately realized he was right and it was a good reminder. But sometimes her full time job makes my full time job a little more difficult! There are so many moments of imperfection, but  I must remember that I have my dream job! I am a mother. I can't get enough of our little bug. She brightens my day with her spunky personality. She constantly makes me smile and laugh. I wish I could bottle up her little laugh and sweet hugs and kisses. I want to never forget her new squinty scowl she gives or the curious & nosy expression she gives when she is discovering something new. I wish I could freeze time or bottle up these memories. I mostly don't ever want to forget. I want to remember every detail. The other roll of my dream job is being a wife. How did I get so lucky to find and marry my best friend? I am so grateful for our little family of three. I love being a wife and a mother. I scored my dream job.

1 comment:

XoXo Mommie said...

Your are VERY lucky! This is only something I could dream of.