Thursday, August 16, 2012

Because it's been a while... here is a Sage update!

Sage is a lover of Sonic Strawberry Slushes, drinking bath water and reading the same book over and over again. Sage's favorite song these days, is Popcorn Popping. She knows all the hand movements to it and everything. However, every time it gets to the part about "a popcorn ball that would smell so sweet" she always bring her little foot up to her face and smells her foot. I think she is confusing the word sweet and feet! "A popcorn ball that would smell so feet!" So, she smells her feet! She is too funny. I need to film her. She also loves to wash her hands. She does not like to eat her go-gurt from the tube any more but always wants to be put in her highchair and for me to put in a bowl for her to eat with a spoon. What she really loves is the colorful sprinkles I add to it and dipping a graham cracker in it. She is all about the dip. She had a grilled cheese sandwich today for lunch and had to have ketchup to dip it in. Her tantrums are becoming fewer and far between. We know there are a lot more down the road, but for a while our days were non stop crying and tantrum throwing. She knows close to 40 signs now, a good number of those are animal signs. She loves animals, especially farm animals. It is so fun that she can tell us what she wants and tell us about what she sees. The other day she was looking at a picture of herself, which she was wearing a knitted beanie with a flower on it. She signed "hat" and then signed "flower". At the doctor last week she weighed in at 20 lbs 10 oz. I hate that she has a runny nose but it is so cute to watch her get a wipe and dab her little nose. She keeps things fun and happy around here! We love our little bug.

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