Monday, September 17, 2012

What we have been up to...

Saturday the Averyts came up to hang out with us. They really came just to see Sage. At least that's what they admit and we believe it. We love how much they love her. We had such a fun time together. Jodie and her girls were also visiting, so Sage played with the girls for a little bit while the Averyts and us went to Porcupine Dam and discovered the salmon swimming upstream. We relaxed and talked down my the river outback of my grandparents property. After putting Sage to bed the four us went to dinner at The Bluebird and made it back just in time for the BYU/Utah game. They stayed the night and left Sunday morning. We are grateful for such great friends. My grandparents and Taylor's parents live exactly 2.8 miles down the road from each other, so we are enjoying spending time with all of them. We have walked those 2.8 miles a couple times in the evening after putting Sage to bed, whichis why we know the exact distance. Since being up here, grandma has helped me sew burp cloths and a carseat canopy for Harper. Yesterday I shared my bread recipe with grandma and today we made laundry soap. It is fun to do little projects together. I have also got to help Jeanne and learn how to jar homemade salsa with tomatoes fresh from their garden and we have made a couple trips to town together. Taylor is enjoying working on projects with his dad and has helped papa out too. He and papa are taking a trip to Flagstaff on Wednesday to pick up the jacuzzi and a few other things that were left behind when they moved. We have enjoyed having game nights with Jeanne and look forward to at least a few more in the next couple weeks. Rummikub is our game. Jeanne and I have both one once and Taylor has one probably half a dozen times are so. He probably cheats! Ha Taylor and I walked those 2.8 miles tonight. Well, almost... Jeanne came and found us and picked us up since it was getting dark.  It is a nice walk and it is a nice time to be together just the two of us and enjoy the beauty of Paradise.

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