Thursday, April 25, 2013
Harper and I went on a whirlwind of a trip to California this past weekend or as my dad says, we were on a "world tour". It sure felt like it... My good friend Alicia who I grew up with flew me out for the weekend in order to be able to be there for her mom going to the temple. Alicia and I went to CCD (Catholic Classes) together, went to Catholic Camp and made our Confirmations together our Sophomore year of high school. My senior year when I began talking to the missionaries and learning about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Alicia was a little upset with me, to say the least. Although she was my friend that was the most upset with my decision to be baptized and felt that I was a "trader", she was my only friend who came and supported me. She spoke and met with the missionaries at my baptism for a little bit before moving away to school where she then found the missionaries there and learned more about the church for herself and decided to be baptized herself. I drove up to Northern California for that day and boy was it a happy day. Two of her brothers followed her lead and joined the Church as well. Before my mission I went out with the sister missionaries and would sit in the lessons with her mom. While I was gone on my mission and before Alicia decided to serve a mission as well, her mom was baptized. Alicia has been such a strong example to her family. Her brother Nami is currently awaiting his mission call. It was such an honor to be able to be there as her mom went through the Newport Beach Temple. My dad, Michael and Melissa came to pick us up from the airport and he of course had to stop by several places to show off Harper. We also went to lunch at TGIFs. The rest of the day was spent hanging out with Alicia and her mom. Donny & Donna watched Harper for me while we were at the temple, so I was able to visit with them a little before and after. Sunday we visited with Alicia's dad and grandparents which have always been like family to me. I then met up with my friend Jessica and visited with her and got to meet her sweet baby Ava. Harper and I then went to visit with my cousin Sabina and her family. Aunt Silvia made us a yummy lunch and we visited. I was so happy to meet Baby Marley! We then went and visited with Miriam and saw Michael & Melissa again. The rest of Sunday was spent with Alicia and then we left bright and early Monday morning. Harper was an angel baby on the way there and the way home. She slept the whole time. On the way home however, she had a blow out right before we started descending so I was frantically trying to bath/change her in the airplane bathroom. It was everywhere including my shirt, which I couldn't do anything about... I just used Harper as my blanket and couldn't wait to land. Luckily I didn't get sick landing on the way home like I did on the way out. On the way there I luckily sat by the sweetest lady, who could see I was feeling sick and was my lifesaver and held her as I threw up during the entire time we were descending and landing. It was a fast, fun-filled trip and I am glad I was able to be at the temple and see so many people. We are planning a family trip for August and are already counting down the days!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Boyce Avenue
This past weekend Taylor and I were able to go see Boyce Avenue. They came to Salt Lake a year ago and we regretted passing up the opportunity to see them. A co-worker of mine when I pregnant introduced them to me and Taylor and I both love their music. They performed at the Venue, which is right by the Gateway, so we decided just to park at the Gateway and walk the couple blocks to the Venue. It was raining and we didn't have an umbrella so Taylor being the gentleman that he is gave me his jacket to put over my head to shield the rain. When we got to the street there was a huge long line, but we thought that there was no way it was for Boyce as the line was full of people dressed all in black, smoking, covered in tats and with gages... just not your typical Boyce Avenue crowd. When we got a closer look we saw that it was indeed the Venue. We couldn't believe it. As we got closer we saw another line, which was the line we wanted. The first line we saw was a crowd waiting to see a band called, "Suicidal Tendencies." When people going to see that band would come to the Boyce Avenue line they would look all confused. At one point someone told them that "Suicidal Tendencies" was around the corner and the guy peeked around the corner and laughed saying, "now that looks better!" It was a night and day difference and quite funny. The concert did not disappoint. We both left with an even greater appreciation and love for Boyce and can't wait for them to come back to Salt Lake again.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
From the mouth of a two year old
- At dinner Sage takes a big bite and says, "delicious mama. tasty. thank you. cook. delicious."
- belly button "bel butts"
- buttons- "but butts"
- pockets- "pock pocks"
- After waking up from nap one day I asked her how she slept and she said, "good." When I asked her what she dreamt about she said, "Jesus."
- On the way home from church we told her we were going home and going to eat lunch and then take a nap and she responded by saying, "no! hungry. no! night night. milk. no hungry! baba. night. night. yeah!"(She was adamant about going straight to bed when we got home!)
- I asked her what she is going to be when she grew up and she said, "good."
We sure hope you grow up to be "good" Sagey girl. We know you will. You have embraced the terrible twos, but you are so sweet, loving and helpful. We sure love you. You always make us smile and laugh. You are so much fun with your creative mind and imagination. You give the best hugs and kisses and we can't hear your sweet "yuv you" enough!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
2 months
2 months?! Once again time has flown by as I am sure we will say every month that passes. It seems like forever away, but I am sure we will look back years from now when you have a family of your own and say the same thing and wonder where the time has gone. You are such a good baby. You never cry unless you are hungry (or in the car if your headband has fallen down over your eyes!) and you love to snuggle. Your calmness is just what our little family needed. You have started to smile and coo. And as you can tell you have really filled out. You won't have your 2 month check for a couple weeks because mom thought she had plenty of time to schedule it after your 2 week check, but 2 months sure has crept up on us! You are still really sleepy, but have started to be awake a little more the past week. When you are awake you are happy sitting under your jungle gym and looking around. You are most alert/awake between 8-11 pm. You love warm baths. You love to nurse and usually fight the bottle until hunger wins. You are so beautiful and we love everything about you!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Sage Bug
Does not stop talking.
Goes on the potty like a champ.
Says "bless you" when you sneeze
Calls Harper by her first and middle name- Harper Lee
Always wants to "pick" her own snack
Always says "try" and wants to try everything we do or have
Copies everything we say. The other day she copied me and said "shoot!" and then "oh geez!"
Has a really good memory
Likes to help
We always sing the primary song, "A Happy Family" and she chooses who we love... "I love Sage girl she loves me, we love..." usually it is always mama, dada, Harper and papa. The other day she said, "Cole" and then "Cole mama" (meaning Cole's mom Caitlin) and she has since been adding cousins to the list. Our song is getting quite long...
Asks to paint and play play-doh on a daily basis
loves going to the nursery at church
likes to sing. her favorite song at the moment is "head, shoulders, knees and toes"
Breakfast with Bree & Syd
Sage, Harper and I met up with my friend Bree and her lil gem Sydney the other day for breakfast. It was a good time besides the fact that Sage bit open a sugar packet, sprinkled salt on the table, didn't eat and kept throwing her food, play-doh and crayons I brought for her to keep her busy... Luckily Bree was more than understanding and patient with us! We look forward to getting together again... most likely outside where the kids can run around while we visit!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Easter- Take 2!
If you read my previous post you will see that Sage and the camera were not friends the other day... I dressed them back into their Easter outfits and tried again this morning and they're friends again! For today anyways...
We all (Taylor's siblings and their families) went up to Paradise the day before Easter and spent the day playing and eating good food. We colored eggs, played Easter Bingo, went on an egg hunt and received fun baskets filled with all kinds of "prizes"(surprises- as Sage girl calls them). As always it was tons of fun. We stayed the night at Grandma & Papa's and spent Easter day with them. Even with a hurt arm grandma managed to fix a wonderful Easter dinner. We put the girls baskets outside and had Sage go out and find them. Her happy and excited mood quickly changed as soon as she saw the camera. Her and the camera were not friends that day as you will notice. I am constantly reminded that things do not often go according to plan or how I envision them to play out in my mind. Sometimes I forget to laugh and enjoy the journey. Taylor is always by my side to remind me and to assure me that the day is not ruined over a few tears and snot and that life in fact will go on... I am grateful for this life I live and for my Savior who has made this life possible and makes it oh so sweet.
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