Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boyce Avenue

This past weekend Taylor and I were able to go see Boyce Avenue. They came to Salt Lake a year ago and we regretted passing up the opportunity to see them. A co-worker of mine when I pregnant introduced them to me and Taylor and I both love their music. They performed at the Venue, which is right by the Gateway, so we decided just to park at the Gateway and walk the couple blocks to the Venue. It was raining and we didn't have an umbrella so Taylor being the gentleman that he is gave me his jacket to put over my head to shield the rain. When we got to the street there was a huge long line, but we thought that there was no way it was for Boyce as the line was full of people dressed all in black, smoking, covered in tats and with gages... just not your typical Boyce Avenue crowd. When we got a closer look we saw that it was indeed the Venue. We couldn't believe it. As we got closer we saw another line, which was the line we wanted. The first line we saw was a crowd waiting to see a band called, "Suicidal Tendencies." When people going to see that band would come to  the Boyce Avenue line they would look all confused. At one point someone told them that "Suicidal Tendencies" was around the corner and the guy peeked around the corner and laughed saying, "now that looks better!" It was a night and day difference and quite funny. The concert did not disappoint. We both left with an even greater appreciation and love for Boyce and can't wait for them to come back to Salt Lake again. 

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