Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Yay for long weekends!

Taylor has switched departments at work, which has allowed him to also switch schedules. Instead of working Monday-Friday noon-8:30pm he is working Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11:30 am-10 pm and Saturdays 6am-4:30pm... We get him home 4 nights a week now instead of 2 and we get 3 day weekends every week. 3 nights a week he doesn't get home until late, but we still have our morning together since he doesn't go in until 11:30... We are loving all the family time. Saturday night we went to the Blaze Football game. Monday we went to Antelope Island and went and got lunch at Iceburg and shared a yummy cookies & creme shake. Today (Tuesday) we went to the Tracy Aviary in the morning and went to Hollywood Connections in the afternoon. It has been so much fun. We love family time and I sure love this family of mine! 

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