The other day someone asked how old you were. I said 3 weeks even though the next day you would be 4 weeks. It's funny how when I was pregnant with you that I always rounded up how far along I was with you and now that you are here I keep rounding how old you are down. Please don't grow up so fast, okay? You are so very loved. Your sisters both just adore you and your dad and I do too of course. You sleep decent during the day, but night time the second we put you down you cry. You love to cuddle and spend the nights cuddled with mom. You like the swing and the bouncer. You also like the sound of the shower. I have never seen a baby eat as much as you. You are constantly hungry. Mom nurses you and you also take a bottle of formula because you want to eat every 2 hours around the clock. You are wearing size 1 diapers and newborn clothes. You have big eyes and your dad thinks they are going to be blue like his. I think you look just like your dad. A lot of people have said you look like Sage. You are losing the hair at the top of your head so you look like a little old man. You do not mind being swaddled and like the binkie. You really are a content baby. We are so grateful to have you in our family. You just belong. There are no shortages of hugs and kisses around here for you.
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