Back to school for me! I think this semester will be a lot easier than the last. I am taking a math class, another child development class (I feel like I have taken 100 and am hoping this class has more to offer than my past classes), and a 2 week family violence class that is 4 credits. I am actually excited about my math class, or at least trying to be! My teacher already told me I should be teaching the class! I am happy it is not online. I have class Monday and Wednesday evening up at the U, which I don't mind because Taylor is working anyways. So, I will have something to keep me busy. I am still serving as a ward missionary, although I have only been assigned one thing to do in the past 4 months. We have never even had a meeting yet. I have asked several times what I can do. The missionaries or our ward mission leader never get back to me. Sad, huh? They were looking for someone to teach English classes once a week and I volunteered but have not got any more information. We'll see. We both really do like our ward, despite my disappointments.
Taylor is continuing his internship at New Haven, which includes his normal work hours. He continues to work Monday, Wednesday, Friday evenings from 3 pm-11 pm. He also tries to pick up extra shifts as he can. He has a portfolio that he has to create for his internship class and also is working on his independent study class- Family Adaptation and Resiliency which he has some research for. He is also playing ball at least once a week with some of his old roommates, which he really enjoys. He still teaches Elder's Quorum. In fact, today is his Sunday to teach. His lesson is on Elder Bednar's talk, "More Diligent and Concern at Home." I really would love to be able to see him teach and learn from him. He is a good teacher and always puts so much preparation into his lessons.
We have has some fun dates this week. One day we made a picnic and went to the park near the Provo Temple and ate, sat and talked. It was so much fun. When we got home we laid in bed and played Boggle! It is so fun spending time together! Yesterday we got shaved ice and rented the movie "Extraordinary Measures" with Harrison Ford. It is such a good movie based on real events. We also found at Walmart this spicy ramen noodles, which Tay would eat all the time on his mission. We made that and ate it as we watched our movie. Taylor said it was soooo spicy and so he only put half the chili powder in and his nose was running and everything. I put the whole packet in and was just fine! It was a little spicy, but not bad. It was good. Definitely not healthy in any way, but it was good. We also took some pictures and posted some things on KSL, which we are trying to sell, such as my printer (we use Taylor's), a bride's maids dress, some dishes of my Nana's, also some of her wooden, rubber stamps. Hopefully we get some buyers! It would be nice to make a little extra money. We are trying to save for our California trip in August. Last night we also went to Comedy Sportz. It was so fun! It is so fun to laugh!
Grandma and Papa are coming to town next week, which we are both excited about. We are going to go up to Paradise. Which reminds me... we went up to Paradise last weekend for the day to help Taylor's dad out and also because the cows were pregnant and one of them had her calf. We were up there all day and 20 minutes after we left Cal (the neighbor) called and said another one had her calf! I was so sad! We were going to go yesterday, but all the cows had their calfs and since we will be going next week we decided not to, but we are so excited for this coming weekend!

Taylor is continuing his internship at New Haven, which includes his normal work hours. He continues to work Monday, Wednesday, Friday evenings from 3 pm-11 pm. He also tries to pick up extra shifts as he can. He has a portfolio that he has to create for his internship class and also is working on his independent study class- Family Adaptation and Resiliency which he has some research for. He is also playing ball at least once a week with some of his old roommates, which he really enjoys. He still teaches Elder's Quorum. In fact, today is his Sunday to teach. His lesson is on Elder Bednar's talk, "More Diligent and Concern at Home." I really would love to be able to see him teach and learn from him. He is a good teacher and always puts so much preparation into his lessons.
We have has some fun dates this week. One day we made a picnic and went to the park near the Provo Temple and ate, sat and talked. It was so much fun. When we got home we laid in bed and played Boggle! It is so fun spending time together! Yesterday we got shaved ice and rented the movie "Extraordinary Measures" with Harrison Ford. It is such a good movie based on real events. We also found at Walmart this spicy ramen noodles, which Tay would eat all the time on his mission. We made that and ate it as we watched our movie. Taylor said it was soooo spicy and so he only put half the chili powder in and his nose was running and everything. I put the whole packet in and was just fine! It was a little spicy, but not bad. It was good. Definitely not healthy in any way, but it was good. We also took some pictures and posted some things on KSL, which we are trying to sell, such as my printer (we use Taylor's), a bride's maids dress, some dishes of my Nana's, also some of her wooden, rubber stamps. Hopefully we get some buyers! It would be nice to make a little extra money. We are trying to save for our California trip in August. Last night we also went to Comedy Sportz. It was so fun! It is so fun to laugh!
Grandma and Papa are coming to town next week, which we are both excited about. We are going to go up to Paradise. Which reminds me... we went up to Paradise last weekend for the day to help Taylor's dad out and also because the cows were pregnant and one of them had her calf. We were up there all day and 20 minutes after we left Cal (the neighbor) called and said another one had her calf! I was so sad! We were going to go yesterday, but all the cows had their calfs and since we will be going next week we decided not to, but we are so excited for this coming weekend!
1 comment:
How fun! Sorry we had to cancel the party. Hopefully we can get together soon! Glad you are doing well
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