Anyways, the message caught my attention 1. because it was about service and I really do LOVE service 2. I LOVE the people of the Dominican Republic and 3. there was a cute little child on the front and I LOVE children.
After watching the 3 minutes video I began searching for service opportunities in the Dominican Republic, which led to searching service opportunities abroad, which led to filling out an application to apply to the Peace Corps!! (Which is something I had always wanted to do)But then I remembered "Wait- I'm married now! I can't just leave the country!" So I did my research and found out that Taylor and I could go together! We both would need to apply and be accepted. They even have opportunities do get your masters abroad or even just get credits towards your masters while serving abroad. It would be perfect! We would have to volunteer for at least 27 months, but that's no big deal! I began filling out my application, but then thought, "
Maybe I should discuss this with Taylor first..." So my application I started is saved and unfortunately will probably never be completed. If accepted we would not be able to serve and have any dependents, which means no children for a few years. So there goes that idea!

So then I went back to searching for short term service opportunities abroad. There are so many! Unfortunately, volunteering abroad costs a lot more than your time... I wish we didn't have to work for money, but could work for free! That we could help others without getting paid with money, but get paid with the experience alone.
Maybe I should discuss this with Taylor first..." So my application I started is saved and unfortunately will probably never be completed. If accepted we would not be able to serve and have any dependents, which means no children for a few years. So there goes that idea!

So then I went back to searching for short term service opportunities abroad. There are so many! Unfortunately, volunteering abroad costs a lot more than your time... I wish we didn't have to work for money, but could work for free! That we could help others without getting paid with money, but get paid with the experience alone.

I want to live a life of service like Mother Teresa! But I have to remember she also was a Catholic Nun. I could have been a Catholic Nun! But I am grateful for the truth and testimony I have and continue to gain. I am grateful for my membership in Christ's church. I am grateful for the mission I served and for the people I know and love from other countries, such as Russi. I know that we are children of God and that he knows and loves us. I am grateful for Taylor and our wonderful families.

I started this post before church. The opening hymn for Sacrament meeting was Scatter Sunshine which says, In a world where sorrow ever will be known, where we found the needy and the sad and lone. How much joy and comfort you can all bestow, if you scatter sunshine everywhere you go. Scatter sunshine all along your way. Cheer and bless and brighten every passing day. I know and must remember that there are so many people to serve right around me everyday. One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 26:27, Now my brethren we see that the Lors is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowles of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy and great thanksgiving and I will give thanks unto my God forever.

I started this post before church. The opening hymn for Sacrament meeting was Scatter Sunshine which says, In a world where sorrow ever will be known, where we found the needy and the sad and lone. How much joy and comfort you can all bestow, if you scatter sunshine everywhere you go. Scatter sunshine all along your way. Cheer and bless and brighten every passing day. I know and must remember that there are so many people to serve right around me everyday. One of my favorite scriptures is Alma 26:27, Now my brethren we see that the Lors is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowles of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy and great thanksgiving and I will give thanks unto my God forever.
So, for now I will pray for and be grateful for the opportunies to scatter shunshine right here in Utah. And before I go making any more plans to leave the country I will discuss them with Taylor and we will discuss them with the Lord!
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