Thursday, June 30, 2011
When I think I have it all together...
Some mom's appear to have it all together. Not me. For example, the other day I was debating whether or not to wait for Taylor to get home from work before I went to Target. I had a bunch of coupons I needed to use before they expired. I made my list, collected my coupons, got myself and my little bug ready and off we went. As we drove away I noticed it was later than I thought it was and Taylor would be getting off of work in ten minutes. And then I realized that he would be locked out of the house so I searched my purse for my phone. I forgot it. It takes him fifteen minutes or so to get home and since I had it all together I thought I could make it there and back before he got home. Wrong. Not only did I not make it back on time and he was locked out of the house in the summer sun, but I clearly did not have it all together. I had to make 3 trips out to my car. Trip number one was to get my wallet that I left in there. I had got up to the register with time to spare, thinking how good I am and I realize that when I made sure my wallet was in my car as I drove to Target that I left it there. I parked my cart near the register and dragged Sage in her car seat all the way to the farthest parking spot. I got my wallet and put my purse down on the seat. Why would I need my purse that was full of the coupons I was planning on using? Trip number two was to go back to my car to get my purse that I realize I did indeed need once I had already gotten back in the store. Once I had my wallet and my purse I thought we were in good shape and possibly could make it home before Taylor. When we got up to the register and she started ringing me up I couldn't find my wallet. I had set in the car seat. It must have fallen out. The poor lady at the register closed her lane as I frantically retraced my steps all the way to the car for trip number three and all the way back in and looked all around the register. Ten minutes later and a heart attack later I found it at Costumer Service where someone had turned it. Thank goodness for nice, honest people. Taylor was sitting in the shade when my scattered and not so put together self pulled up almost an hour later. I probably would have been irritated, but not my man. He was just happy to see us and laughed with me as I shared with him what I had just experienced. Sage at that point was sad and hungry. She is a good sport like her daddy. She'll have to be a good sport with me as her mommy! Just when I think I have it all together I prove myself wrong! I did save $50 though, so I would say it was worth it! Or was it? What an ordeal!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Why I Blog
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."- Gordon B. Hinckley, 2006
Monday, June 27, 2011
Kinda Camping
Some would say we didn't really camp. We attempted to camp. We kinda camped. We were not as prepared as we should of could of been. Next time we will really camp. We went up to Paradise with Dan, Jill and Lacie. We set up the tent, but we only lasted one night and Sage and I only lasted until 2:30 in the morning before we moved into the house. It was too cold and the ground was too hard. I whispered to Taylor right before going in that I hated camping and that camping stinks. We couldn't stop giggling. Lacie had slept inside with her Papi and woke up looking for her mommy, so Jill and Dan came in the house at 5:30 in the morning leaving Taylor out in the tent alone. He's a survivor. We all slept in the house the next night. We did do some camping activities though. We took the boat out to Porcupine Dam and went to a park where Dan and Tony fished and we sat back and relaxed. Dan made us the most delicious apricot glazed pork chops on the barbecue and we also barbecued burgers. We made smores and made a tin foil dessert that had bananas, chocolate chips and marshmallows. They were tasty. We also got to meet the chickens. Each grandkid got to name one. Sage named her chicken Miss Marvelous. Also, Taylor's dad got all the guys an AR-15, which they went and shot. Taylor loves it. I can't wait until next time when I get a chance to shoot it. It was a good time spending time with family, relaxing and being outdoors. It was fun kinda camping, but we will really camp sometime this summer!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Life is good!
I figured out how to do more fun collages, but did not get my daily photoshoot of Sage since I worked all day. Don't worry I did take her daily picture! Sage spent the day with Mary and Grandma Fenton which we are grateful for. I missed her so much. I am so grateful that I get to stay home with her. I am just working a couple days this week just to help out, but definitely will not be making it a regular occurrence. Taylor worked at Farmer's today. He just got his business cards and he picked up his new computer today. We got a really good deal on it. The program he uses for work doesn't run well on his Mac and so he decided to get a PC and decided to go with a desktop so he can leave work at work. Tomorrow he is working a 16 hour shift- 7:00 am-11:00 pm at NewHaven. Hopefully he won't have to work there much longer. At least we will have a long weekend together. Sage went down at 7:00 tonight. We thought she would just take her normal short nap and wake up so we can take our walk, give her a bath and get her in her jammies, read to her, feed her and then put her to bed, but it is already quarter to 10:00 and she is still sound asleep! She is such a good girl! I have been playing around with a new photo editing tool and this is what I created. We love to see the temple! I have been thinking about the temple a lot lately. Taylor and I really need to go soon. I am so grateful for the covenants which we have made, which bind us together. What a great feeling and comfort it is to know that we can be together forever! I love the temple and I love my little family. Sometimes life gets a little crazy with work and other obligations and there are so many things we want to do individually and together as a family, but we need to slow down and remember what matters most. We are a party of three! And life is oh so good!

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Celebrating Father's Day and Presley's 1st Birthday
Saturday we just hung out at home. Taylor mowed the lawn and I secretly worked on a couple things for Father’s Day. We relaxed and ran errands. Michael Miller is dating someone! They were on their way back up to Rexburg and stopped by to visit. Her name is Celeste. Her middle name is Jewel. Celeste. Jewel. Say it fast. Celestial. Does anyone else find that funny besides Taylor and me? At almost 10:00 pm we had a knock at the front door. It was someone from the ward dropping off bacon wrapped steak from the activity they missed us at. We already loved the ward, but now we really really love the ward! Today was Father’s Day. Sage and I let Taylor sleep in. We made him a “Father’s Day Breakfast Order Form” the other day and made him feel out what he wanted for breakfast. We made him a breakfast burrito which had eggs, green onion, tomato, cheese, and ham. Also, toast with strawberry jam and chocolate milk. That is what he ordered. We also made him a banner that said, “We love dad” and a bouquet of chocolate bars with a note that said, “To one very sweet husband and daddy, Love two very lucky ladies. Sage also picked out a book for him called, “Daddy hugs.” Jill also picked up a few boxes of his favorite cereal for us, which we also surprised him with. It’s hard to see in the picture, but the framed picture of Sage wearing Taylor’s shoes has a little quote that says, " These shoes are too big on me as you can plainly see, but even when I am all grown up they will be big on me. The reason is quite simple. I think you will agree. No one can fill these shoes like my daddy.” Taylor was so happy and surprised. We are glad we could make his first Father’s Day a little special. We had a relaxing morning and then after church we went over to Lexi’s parents and celebrated Father’s Day and Presley’s first birthday. We had a yummy dinner and Jill made the most delicious dessert which was layered chocolate pudding, brownie, heath bar, caramel syrup.We love her and can’t believe she is 1 years old already. It was fun to spend time with everyone.

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
We love the men in our lives. See the next few posts to read some thoughts and feelings we have about them. It is Taylor's first Father's Day! Sage and I have some fun things planned for tomorrow! Since Sage is just a little too young to share her feelings for her daddy I thought I would record a few thoughts for her. The first thing Taylor said to Sage just moments after she was born was call her his sweetheart and he treats her just as that. He is such a wonderful father. From day one he has never hesitated to get up in the middle of the night and make her a bottle and put her back to sleep. He has learned to change diapers and although he is known to make a big deal over a messy diaper he never hesitates to change her. He takes Sage in the mornings he is home and let's me sleep in. Sage loves this time with her daddy. Sage also loves when her daddy gives her a bath and gets her ready for bed because he plays music. He reads to her and can make her smile. He is also good at comforting her and putting her to sleep. He knows all of the secret tricks to keep our girl happy. We are both so blessed to have him in our lives. He is the best husband and father. Happy Father's Day! We love you so much!

Anthony Douglas Fenton
Dad is my hero, always has been, and always will be. There are so many fond memories that I have of him that it is hard not to get emotional when I think about them. One thing I always knew about Dad was that he believed in me. His dedication to be at every one of my basketball games still amazes me. He is by far the hardest worker I know. I still remember his infamous quote, "work now and play later". Many a time, later never came. Then I wished it would have. Now I hope it always stays because I love working with Dad and learning from his great example of love and sacrifice. I love you Dad!

David Roy Cresine Sr.
Papa is one of the greatest men in my life and one of the greatest men I know. Papa is the one of the hardest workers I know, but is definitely not all work and no play. Papa has a good sense of humor and knows how to relax and have a good time. I am grateful for the example he has been in my life. I remember one Father's Day when I was a little a girl I got him a hat that said "World's Greatest Grandpa." He went out fishing that day and I guess it got a little windy and his hat blew off. He circled around and around and tried to find it. Before returning home he stopped and got himself a new hat. Only problem was that it was a different color. He tried to tell me it changed colors! Happy Father's Day! I love you!

David Roy Cresine Jr.
Happy Father's Daddy! I love you! My greatest memories of my dad are simple things like him taking me to the car wash, to fly a kite, to the movies, out to lunch. He always made me laugh with his animal sounds and sense of humor. My best friends growing up can still testify of how funny he is. In fact I talked to a friend the other day that I had not kept in great contact with since high school and she asked how he is doing and shared her memory of my dad and his sense of humor. I love and cherish the time I spent with him as a child and the memories I have with him. I don't know if he would remember, but I remember the first time I saw snow. It was just a little bit on the side of the road, but it was with my daddy. He had taken me up to Big Bear for the day. I wish he lived closer so we could spend more time together. My dad is not a man of many words, but I have never doubted his love. He is a good man. I love you Daddy!

Friday, June 17, 2011
Taylor sent me a text this afternoon and asked if we could go on a "predate" since I was in charge of date night tonight. He surprised me and took me to Park City to the outlets. Our friends Amanda and Jeff volunteered to babysit for us. I have been looking for new shoes for months and after the "Dirty Dash" a couple weeks ago I definitely was in need of some new shoes. He took me to the Nike Outlet and I found a pair of shoes that I really really like. They are sooo light and just the shoe I have been looking for! They are the Nike FreeXT Flywire. Also got a pair of exercise pants. We also went to the Downeast Outlet and I got a couple things with my gift card that I have had since my birthday. And of course we couldn't leave without getting a little something from Carter's for our Sage girl. We got her a cute summer dress. Taylor is so good to us! I love that man!

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sage Is Rolling Over!!!
Sage rolled over today from her tummy to her back! She did it three times in a row and then was just exhausted! I got some cute pictures of her during tummy time today.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
It's beginning to feel a lot like Summer!
It is not quite summer, but it is starting to feel like it and we love it! I have been taking Sage on a walk every morning. She loves looking all around and always naps a little better after a good walk. She is napping now. I try not to be on the computer when she is awake. We have been making dinner together and trying lots of new recipes. After dinner for the past week or so the three of us have been walking also. Last night we walked almost 3.5 miles. Taylor's smart phone really is incredible. It tracks our walk-the distance, elevation climbed, walking time as well as stand still time for when we stop to look at homes or to lay the baby on the grass so we can swaddle her. After our walk we give Sage a bath and get her ready for bed, read to her, give her a bottle and put her to bed. We are all enjoying this routine and loving the feeling of a summer night. Taylor and I have been working on a puzzle of Time Square, finished season 2 of Prison Break, Taylor is reading the Hunger Games and I am looking for a good book. Tony and Lexi came over the other night and taught us Mexican train dominoes. Jeanne spent some time with us yesterday and we are having our friends Jeff and Amanda over to play games this evening. Taylor is still working at New Haven for probably another few weeks and is working at Farmers a couple days a week as well. He is really excited about his new job and its potential. He has been working really hard. Sage and I are really proud of him!

Sage has the cutest book called, "You're My Little Love Bug." Sometimes I am afraid she is going to think that "bug" is her name because we call her that so much. Anyways, I just about have the book memorized because we read it so much. When I look at these pictures of her I can't help but think of the words in the book, "You're my ice-cream sandwhich, my watermelon gum, my soda pop, my lollipop, my yummy yummy yum!" You know that saying, "You're so cute I could just eat you!" Well, that's how I feel about our little bug. She gets cuter ever day as her sweet personality develops. She is so much fun.

Monday, June 6, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Rooftop Concert and the Dirty Dash

Taylor is at work and Sage is napping. Taylor does not usually work Saturdays but he picked up a couple Saturday shifts that are 3 pm -11 pm. I am glad we got to spend some time together yesterday and this morning. Yesterday evening we made homemade BBQ chicken pizza that was delicious. It tasted just like BBQ Chicken Cilantro pizza from "The Pie". Afterwards we went to the Provo Town Square where they hold the Rooftop Concert Series. We had never been but it was so much fun that we decided we will go every month. Last night Mindy Gledhill and Meagan Smith performed. We were familiar with Mindy a little bit because she sang in the MTC while Taylor was there and she also sings the song Emma on the Joseph Smith Tribute CD. She also wrote a song for Stephanie Nielson (If you have not heard her story I recommend watching it and the song that plays in the background is the song Mindy wrote her. ) We did not hear Meagan because we were not as prepared as we will be next month, but did visit the little street market they have and bought the cutest crotched flower for Sage's hair and a gourmet Oreo cupcake. Today I participated in the "Dirty Dash" which is a 5k held in Soldier Hollow. Jill called me Friday and said someone from their team canceled. It was so gross, but it was a lot of fun. Taylor brought Sage and waited at the finish line. He was such a good sport about it. We came home and relaxed and watched a little Prison Break before he had to go to work.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
3 months!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A first for everything!
The three of us went on a walk this afternoon and we put Sage in her stroller without her car seat for the first time. Some may laugh at this and we may laugh at ourselves someday, but it was a monumental moment for our family. It is just another sign that Sage is getting big. She even took a bath for the first time without the newborn hammock thing. She loved it and loved kicking her legs around and splashing.

Taylor passed his life/health insurance exam this morning! We are so proud of him. He starts training next week! Way to go love! We knew you could do it!
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