Saturday we just hung out at home. Taylor mowed the lawn and I secretly worked on a couple things for Father’s Day. We relaxed and ran errands. Michael Miller is dating someone! They were on their way back up to Rexburg and stopped by to visit. Her name is Celeste. Her middle name is Jewel. Celeste. Jewel. Say it fast. Celestial. Does anyone else find that funny besides Taylor and me? At almost 10:00 pm we had a knock at the front door. It was someone from the ward dropping off bacon wrapped steak from the activity they missed us at. We already loved the ward, but now we really really love the ward! Today was Father’s Day. Sage and I let Taylor sleep in. We made him a “Father’s Day Breakfast Order Form” the other day and made him feel out what he wanted for breakfast. We made him a breakfast burrito which had eggs, green onion, tomato, cheese, and ham. Also, toast with strawberry jam and chocolate milk. That is what he ordered. We also made him a banner that said, “We love dad” and a bouquet of chocolate bars with a note that said, “To one very sweet husband and daddy, Love two very lucky ladies. Sage also picked out a book for him called, “Daddy hugs.” Jill also picked up a few boxes of his favorite cereal for us, which we also surprised him with. It’s hard to see in the picture, but the framed picture of Sage wearing Taylor’s shoes has a little quote that says, " These shoes are too big on me as you can plainly see, but even when I am all grown up they will be big on me. The reason is quite simple. I think you will agree. No one can fill these shoes like my daddy.” Taylor was so happy and surprised. We are glad we could make his first Father’s Day a little special. We had a relaxing morning and then after church we went over to Lexi’s parents and celebrated Father’s Day and Presley’s first birthday. We had a yummy dinner and Jill made the most delicious dessert which was layered chocolate pudding, brownie, heath bar, caramel syrup.We love her and can’t believe she is 1 years old already. It was fun to spend time with everyone.

You're a great dad Tay Bob and you are so lucky to have such special ladies in your life. We love you all!
Love it. You will have to bring me the banner so I can copy it :)
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