Dearest Sage ,Today we are celebrating you and all of your accomplishments this past month! You are 3 months old today! This month you had a lot of “firsts”! You got your ears pierced. You screamed so loud, but a couple minutes later you were just fine. You met your grandpa Davey for the first time. He just adores you! You attended your mom’s graduation from the University of Utah. You were blessed by your daddy. You met your mom and dad’s good friends Donny and Donna. You have become a good sleeper in the night.
You usually sleep about 7-9 hours in your crib! No more sleeping with mommy and daddy! You usually wake up happy and just talking in your crib. We changed your bottles and also got faster flowing nipples so you now finish a bottle in 5-10 minutes instead of the usual 45 minutes! You drink about 4 ounces every feeding, which is about every 3 hours during the day. We are still working on sleeping during the day. You are cooing more and more. It is so cute! We love your smile. You also laugh a little when mom says “bzzzzzzzzz” like a bee. You have been a pretty alert baby from day one, but your alertness has increased a ton this past month. You turn your head from one side to the other, back and forth, back and forth just trying to see everything. Every day you’re starting to focus more and enjoy the mobile on the swing and watch the little bird on the play mat. You are still wearing size 1 diapers and wearing 0-3 month clothes. You now sit in your highchair and play with your rattles which you are now starting to grab. You don’t hold them too long yet, but you are trying!
We have taken out the head support from your car seat. We have also moved the arm straps up to the next level. You seem to like the car a lot better now! I think our car problems are over. You still spit up a ton. Just yesterday you road in your stroller not using your car seat! You are starting to kick your legs and splash in
thetub. We put you in the tub without your newborn hammock thing and you love it. We try and read you books every day. One of your favorites is, “Where is Peter Rabbit?” We are still continuing to read Book of Mormon Stories to you as well. You also survived your first move from Orem to American Fork. We are living in your Aunt Jodie and Uncle McKay’s home for the summer. You are sleeping in your cousin Kaylee’s crib. People say you look more like your dad. You are definitely going to have his dark blue eyes. Lots of people thing you look like your daddy from your eyes up and your mom from your nose down. You are beautiful. Seriously everywhere we go people are always stopping to look at you. We went out to dinner and you were so good. You didn’t make a peep, but two couples from different tables who were sitting near us commented how pretty you are. When mom took you to Costco the other day she had five people stop and comment how pretty your eyes are, what beautiful hair you have and how sweet you look. You are smart and are so sweet. You still like to cuddle. You are getting so big! You make us so very happy. We love you our little bug! Happy 3 months of life!
Ohh Little Sage is 3 months! She is so cute Michelle. I cant wait to meet her.
When you put all of her pictures together I can really see how much she has grown. She is still a little bug! She is darling and I'm so glad she is my granddaughter. Happy 3 month birthday Sage!
Too cute!! So glad I have seen her more often this week!
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