Today you are 4 months! We love you so much. You are such a joy in our lives. You make us so happy. We are so blessed to have you in our family. You are growing up too fast! At the doctor yesterday you weighed 12 lbs 13.5 ounces (33%) and were 24.5 inches (61%). You are a healthy and happy baby. This month you rolled over for the first time from your tummy to your back. You did it three times for mommy in the morning and she got the third time on video. That night you did it once for your daddy, but then wouldn't do it again. A couple weeks had passed and Grandma Jeanne came to visit. I was telling her how you won't roll over again and I put you on your tummy and your proved me wrong! You are always full of surprises! You are so strong. You hold your head high during tummy time and are always looking all around. When we have you laying down you always try and sit up. You have some strong stomach muscles. You find comfort and love your binkie more and more every day. You love to pull it out and hold it, but cannot put it back in your mouth yet. You also enjoy your bumbo. You sit and like to help mom make dinner and keep her company. You are her bestest bud during the day when daddy is working. Together we are your daddy's greatest cheerleaders and fans. You like to wait outside in the grass for daddy to get home. You are still sleeping through the night. You are starting to go down to bed earlier... sometimes between 7:30- 8:00 and then wake up around 5 am to eat and you go back to sleep until 7:00-8:00 am. Because of the early bed time and it being so hot outside we have been skipping your night walk, but you still have a good bed time routine with your bath and reading. You finished reading Book of Mormon Stories and have started reading it again. You are a good little sleeper in your crib. You wake up so smiley. Your day time naps are still unorganized, but we're working on them! You are doing better. We have also discovered your tickle spots and you laugh and laugh out loud. It is one the sweetest sounds we have ever heard. You are also such jibber jabberer. You don't snort too much anymore, but you love to talk. I think you will talk young. That's what we do all day. We chat together. We both have lots to say to each other. You still wear 0-3 months clothing. They are starting to fit smaller. You also are starting to wear 3-6 months even though some are a little too big. You are also still in size 1 diapers. We are going to try size 2 soon. You are eating 4-6 ounces every 3 hours. You are a spitter upper. We are trying a new formula that Dr. Simmons recommended yesterday, which has rice in it so it is thicker and hopefully you will be able to keep it down better. We love you baby girl and can't imagine our lives without you!
Love always, mommy & daddy

1 comment:
Happy 4 months Sage! We love you and we are grateful to have you in our family!
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