I remember when I first had Sage and she slept all day and I didn't know what to do with myself nor did I know what to do with her when she was awake. I love those memories of just cuddling with her and giving her a bottle and rocking her back to sleep. I loved just watching her sleep. But I am also loving my time with her now as she becomes more and more interactive. I love the time we spend. We have so much fun together. I dance around and sing and she laughs at me. She thinks I'm pretty fun. I hope she always feels that way about me. Now when she naps I find plenty of things to do. I coupon, blog, clean, talk to friends on the phone who also have sleeping babies, read, and recently I have started making Sage's baby food. It is so easy, but just takes a little time. Yesterday I made her carrots and pears. She was a little grumpy after her nap. I thought having her try and new food would make her happy. It would make me happy. But not her. She spit most of it out. We'll try again when she is in a better mood. Today I am feeling pretty grateful that I get to stay home with her. We gathered a bunch of fun textured things from around the house to play with like a sponge, sandpaper, silky ribbon, a wicker basket, grass, feathers, a washcloth, tissue paper and a make-up brush. She had fun touching and playing with each item. She loved the tissue paper and the make-up brush. She wasn't too sure what to think about some of the other items. I kept throwing the feathers up in the air and she loved watching them fall down. It is so much fun to watch her learn and grow. I know I have said this before, and I know every mom probably thinks this, but I am the luckiest mom in the whole entire world!

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