Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Our weekend was too short...

Friday, September 23, 2011
Rejoice and be glad!
~ Psalm 118:24
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I guess she can't be perfect ALL the time!

California Part II

Monday, September 19, 2011
Back to Reality!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Our trip so far...
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
California Bound
This time tomorrow we will be in San Diego! Our bags are packed and we are ready to go! Taylor and Sage are sound asleep... I should be too, but I want to write a couple things about our little bug before I forget. This week she tried mango and seemed to enjoy it. She also seemed to enjoy a bite or two of paper. Gross I know, but by the time I noticed she must had already swallowed it. She is sitting up really well. She also has started sucking her thumb! I quickly pull it out every time. She doesn't seem to be sucking it for comfort and doesn't mind when I pull it out. Taylor reminded me that she was sucking her thumb during an ultrasound. I guess it just took her 6 months to find it out here in the world. She is so much fun and is so funny. We are excited for her to meet some new friends and for family to see her this next week. We are excited to get away!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Ever wondered what to do with a crumbled cake?

A half-birthday celebration!

Friday, September 2, 2011
Happy half-birthday Sage!
Happy Half Birthday! You are ½ a year old! We can’t believe you are already 6 months! Where did the time go? You are so special to us and we absolutely adore everything about you. You are so much fun and are so smart. You are our beautiful girl. This month we moved for the second time in your short life. We moved from Aunt Jodie and Uncle McKay’s house in American Fork to Salt Lake City. You went swimming for the first time. You love the water, but were not happy with the temperature. It was a little too cold for you. After you adjusted you did pretty good, but kept trying to drink the chlorine water. You have recently started playing with your hair as we feed you a bottle and you drift off to sleep. It is the cutest thing. You also have been crossing your feet at your ankles, which is so adorable. While on your tummy playing you stomp you right foot. You know when we are putting you down for a nap or bed and as soon as we walk in your room you start crying. When we lay you down you stomp both your feet up and down. You get so mad. Most of the time you will then turn your head into your blanket and close your eyes; although you are beginning to be a little stubborn and try to fight it. We have had to let you cry a little. You don’t usually cry too long before giving up and going to sleep. You have cried for up to an hour on several occasions. It is sad, but you are exhausted and if we try to comfort you think it is time to play. You still use your binkie and naptimes and bedtime. If it falls out you can pick it up, but have a hard time putting it in your mouth. Your cute little finger gets in the way! You often reach out and play with our face or with mommy’s hair when we are feeding you. You rub your eyes when you are tired. You like to play on your tummy. You try to put everything in your mouth. You like pears, banana and sweet potato. You do not like avocado. You like when we sing “The Wheels on the Bus” (Grandma Jeanne taught you that) and also love the “Itsy Bitsy Spider”. You do not get as excited when you look at yourself in the mirror anymore. You still smile and laugh, but usually get bored and are distracted by everything else around you. You usually fight getting put in your car seat so we try to distract you. You very rarely ever cry in the car anymore. You are wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes, although you still fit in and wear size 3. You are so petite with just a little bit of chub on your legs. You are so healthy. At your 6 month check up you weighed 14 lbs 4 oz and were 26 inches long. You have not once been sick. You love to coo and visit. You always have something to say. You are learning how to scream. You get frustrated when you can’t reach a toy you want. You roll from back to front and from front to back, but never roll over and over to move any distance. When you get excited you flap your arms up and down. With a little help and with someone close by you are starting to sit up for short periods of time. Your great grandma and papa recently moved to Utah from Flagstaff, Arizona and you love getting to know them. We have started doing baby signs with you. You have lots of admirers and are so very loved by everyone who knows you. We love you little bug!
Mom and Dad

Thursday, September 1, 2011
There's no reasoning with an almost 6 month old!
It's 3am and I am wide awake with a snoozing husband by my side and a crazy baby finially back to sleep... Sage must be growing because this is the second night in a row that she has woken up at 1:30 in the morning to eat. And I might add that she had 7 ounces before going to bed. Last night she went right back to sleep after eating. She always does... except for tonight. I couldn't fall back to sleep with all her chatting in the next room so I made the mistake of going and getting her. She was on her tummy looking all around. I brought her to our bed and she would not be quiet. The more I told her to "shhhhh" the more she had to say. Telling an almost 6 month old to "shhhh" isn't very effective. We tried to ignore her and she would scream. Not a crying scream but a scream like she just discovered her little voice could get loud and she loved it! The more she screamed the more excited she would get and the louder it got. Taylor told her it wasnt time to sing. Maybe she'll be an opera singer. I sat her up to have a little chat with her... a little heart to heart. I tried to reason with her but she just bounced around, did her little excited flapping her arm thing that she does and continued to shreak. Taylor told her she was defiant. At least she's happy right? I wish I could say the same. I brought her back to her room expecting her to put up a fight but she took her binkie and went back to sleep. I wish I could say the same about me. Instead I lay here tossing and turning, wide awake but exhausted...