This cute girl has been a monster! I know her Grandpa Tony and many others won't believe it, but it is true. Monster with a capital M! Since being home she has not taken naps and has been sleeping awful at night. We usually can put her down with her binkie and she will fall asleep relatively quickly, but not these past couple days. She screams and screams. When we go to her room she kicks her legs and throws her arms up and down. During the day she has been so clingy and whiny, which is just not her personality. We started to think that maybe she had an ear infection, especially with all the swimming we had been doing and having been on the airplane. We took her to the instacare to get her checked tonight and they said her ears are clear, lungs sound good, doesn't look like she is teething, and vitals are great! You know the saying that goes something like, " Now that I know there isn't anything wrong I can sleep better." Well, we are glad to know she is healthy, but not so sure we will be sleeping any better. Let's hope so though!

1 comment:
So maybe I was just tired on Saturday because I did not notice how OLD she is looking....or maybe its just these pics. Either way she's growing up. She is darling, I love those eyes!
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