You have a cake fight of course!
The night before Sage's half-birthday Taylor and I made her cake. As you can see in other pictures it turned out pretty good considering I am no baker. That was take 2. Take 1 did not turn out as good. I had let it cool for a little while, but Taylor says not long enough. Maybe he was right because when I tried to take it out of the pan it crumbled. At first I was kinda sad and Taylor was giving me a hard time about not waiting for it to cool long enough. I threatened to throw the cake in his face and he dared me, so I did. Next thing we knew we were both covered with crumbled cake. It was down our clothes, all over the floor and all over the counters. The pictures do not to justice to the mess. Cleaning up was awful especially since our kitchen sink clogged up and was full of cake crumbled water. I put carrot peelings down the disposal the evening before despite Taylor's warnings not to. I guess once again he was right! Don't tell him I said so though!

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