Thursday, November 7, 2013

Harper Lee is 9 months!

Harper at 9 months...

  • 17.97 lbs (33%) and 27.56 inches (49%) 
  • thinks it is hilarious when you pretend sneeze
  • is so ticklish, especially under her neck
  • pulls herself up to stand whenever and wherever she can
  • has two teeth on the bottom, one which has broke through but has not really come in yet and is getting another one on top!
  • is the best sleeper. sleeps on her tummy most of the time.
  • "talking" a lot. saying mamamama and dadadada. 
  • is a speed crawler, shoe eating, wipe puller outer, crumb finding sweetheart 
  • likes to splash in the bath
  • has the best smile and laugh
  • loves her sister even though she gets pushed around sometimes.
  • loves yogurt melts and graham crackers
  • does the downward dog, especially when she is tired.
  • wants to touch and get into everything. 
  • is usually a quiet observer, but has a sly & funny personality and although she often appears very serious she is so smiley and so funny
  • is already a daddy's girl
  • is wearing 6-12 months or 9 month clothing, size 3 diapers 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Festivities

We had a blast celebrating Halloween all month. We went and saw the witches at Gardner Village five times, had a Halloween Party with friends, went to the pumpkin patch, went to a fun Halloween party at the library, did several Halloween crafts, went to Cornbellys and grandma and papa had a fun Halloween Party with all the cousins for us. Halloween Day Sage girl had dance class and got to where her costume. We had a fun Halloween lunch with our friends/neighbors down stairs and then went trick or treating at McKay's work and went and spent the evening with them and with grandma too. We had a yummy dinner and went trick or treating through the neighborhood. Sage and Kaylee had a good time together and had the "trick-or-treat!!" and "thank you" down! Sage always picked the colorful candies so we got lots of taffy and smarties and not much chocolate... she avoided the brown snickers wrappers or orange reeses wrappers, much to my dismay... Our girls were the sweetest cupcakes and Taylor and I were the bakers. They dressed up as a pig and cow for our ward party though because Taylor has to work and I did not have our baker costumes yet, so I wore a flannel shirt and books and called it good. It was such a fun month of celebrating.