Friday, June 27, 2014

Sage Bug

Sage is as sassy as they come. She is a handful and needs lots of attention. She is stubborn and has the biggest attitude for such a little girl, but has a heart as big as her attitude. She is as sweet as they come and is really sensitive to others' feelings. She worries about others. She loves being a big sister and loves friends and her cousins. She also loves her grandmas and papas. She talks about them all daily. She always reminds us to say prayers and to read scriptures each night. She loves learning about the gospel. She loves hymns and is always wanting me to teach her a new one. Her favorite movie is Frozen. She loves going to the library for story time and dancing. She loves her gymnastics class. She loves "writing". She can write several letters, but usually just writes jibberish. She is excited for preschool in the Fall. She thrives on structure and routine. She is a little more apprehensive and hesitant to try new things. She loves being read to and having her back rubbed. She notices the little things and beauty around her. She still loves her baby dolls and is always singing to them and rocking them to sleep. She is also still an early bird and wakes up between 5:30-6 am everyday. We love everything about her and wouldn't change a thing about her! 

Our Harper Lee

Harper is a week shy of 17 months and is so much fun. She really has us all wrapped around her little fingers. Her personality develops more and more every day and we just love who she is. She is an observer, a cuddler, sly, funny, fearless and has just the perfect amount of sass. She is independent and can entertain herself. She loves playing with baby dolls and looking at books. She loves doggies and her blankie. She can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or at least knows the tune and "sings" her own version to the tune of it. She can say, "mama", "dada",  "Sage",  "papa", "thank you", "bye" and her latest word is "no". She teases Sage and it is the funniest thing to watch. She loves the movie Frozen. If the song comes on the radio she points to the screen in our van wanting to watch it. She tries and copies Sage and do summersaults and is a cute little dancer. She gives the best kisses although she is getting a little stingy on giving them out lately. She has 4 teeth and 8 on their way in. We finally have her eczema under control. She loves the bath, but we can only bathe her a couple times a week because of her sensitive skin. She is still so easy going and such a great sleeper. She is an absolute joy. We love this girl.