Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our Crazy Haired Girl

Bed head never looked so good! 

  • potty trained, doesn't take the bottle anymore & sleeps in a toddler bed
  • favorite food: animal cookies!! "pink ones" Although, animal cookies are her favorite, she has become a really good eater. Eats just about anything really well. Other favorites include: waffles, oranges, apples, broccoli, potatoes, toast, chicken nuggets, french fries
  • favorite color: pink 
  • favorite toy: baby dolls
  • favorite book: Wheels on the Bus
  • favorite shows: Dora, Cailou, Barney, Wheels on the Bus
  • favorite songs: Carly Rae Jepsen- Call Me Maybe, Taylor Swift-Trouble
  • sings: I am a Child of God & Twinkle Twinkle Little Star really well
  • loves: having her back rubbed, singing, jumping on the trampoline, going to the park, playing with friends and loves her cousins
  • new phrases she says: Oh geeze, what happened?! shoot! I do it, Ew. Stinky. I try it. Play me. ooh pretty mama. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

My cheerleader

Bedtime is so difficult on my own since Taylor works until 8:30pm. By bedtime we are all tired and cranky. Last night Sage was crying about everything and I was getting frustrated. Cuddling and loving her did not help so I decided to just ignore her and get done what I needed to get done. I was cleaning up the kitchen and trying to put our George Foreman Grill away that fits in a top cabinet like a puzzle. It has to be put in just the right way in order to fit... I was struggling to get it in and jumped up on the counter to do it. Once I got it in with a little fight and jumped down I turned around to see Sage jumping up and down and clapping her hands cheering. She said, "Yay! Mom! Yay! Hard! Yay! Climb! Hard! Yay!" I couldn't help but be in a better mood. She sure is frustrating at times, but she is my greatest cheerleader.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Jesus sad too"

Today at our playdate at the park Sage got pushed down some steep stairs... luckily I was standing right below and was able to catch her fall. She bit the sides of her mouth pretty good, but I think it scared her more than anything. Of course I am relieved she is okay, but just as relieved that she was the victim instead of the instigator for once. She can be pretty aggressive these days... It happened right as we were getting ready to leave and so on the way home I was asking her if it hurt. She said it did and said, "sad" because we always tell her it makes us sad when she hits, pushes, scratches, etc... I reinforced that it hurts and makes people sad when we push/hit/scratch and that's why we don't do it. She thought about it and then said, "Everybody sad. Jesus sad too." Oh, she is so smart and underneath her terrible two year old self she is so sweet and loving.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Visit from Grandpa & Paradise

Grandpa Davey came into town for Harper's blessing. We enjoyed having him and his girlfriend Mari stay with us for a couple days. We went to the park, Wheeler Farm, on walks, Temple Square and to City Creek. He hadn't seen Sage for almost a year, but Sage warmed right up to him and smothered him with lots of hugs and kisses. We met them up in Paradise on Sunday morning and spent a couple days up there with them and Grandma & Papa Cresine. Our girls are so blessed to have such wonderful grandparents on both sides. We had a fun time up in Paradise. This time next year Harper will be able to join in on all the fun. Although I did not get any pictures of it, she definitely got her fair share of attention and cuddles from everyone. 

We are blessed!

Harper's blessing May 11, 2013
Taylor blessed our girl the other day and it was beautiful and perfect just like her.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy 3 months Harper!

Harper girl, Harper Bug, Harper Lee
3 months! This past month you have become quite smiley. You make us so happy. You are much more awake and are becoming more aware of your surroundings which is making it more difficult for you to sleep with a screaming sister who is jumping all around or getting in and out of the car. You still sleep in mommy and daddy's room, although we are planning on making the switch from our room to yours this next week after your Grandpa Davey's visit. You are a great night sleeper, but we would all sleep better in our own beds. Mom wakes up every time you move and thinks you need to eat when in reality you just finished eating... You always start the night in your bassinet though. The last few nights you haven't woke up and joined our bed until the early morning of 5:30ish... You have been wearing 3 month clothes for a few weeks now. You still love to nurse, but have been taking the bottle a little more. We go on lots of walks these days, which you usually sleep right through. On occasion you're awake and get to feel the wind on your face and the warmth of the sun. You are also a little chatter box.  You have a lot to say. At your 2 month appointment that you did not have until about 2 and half months, so just a couple weeks ago... you weighed 11 lbs 11.5 oz and were 23 inches. 56% for weight and height. We also got your ears pierced this past month. You also went with mom to California and got to meet lots of family and friends. You were an angel on the plane, which is no surprise. You are our angel. You are the calm our family needs. You are perfect for us. We love you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Are you a baby or a big girl?

Our baby Sage is potty trained and off the bottle! Hooray! If you ask her if she is a baby or a big girl her response will change depending on her mood, but she definitely is such a big girl! It has been about a month and we have only had a couple accidents since that first, very cold and gloomy day. I remember it was cold and gloomy because we had Sage naked all day and I kept worrying she was cold and wanted to put it off until the weather warmed up! After a couple weeks of pulls ups during nap/bed and while we are out we knew she was ready for no pull ups at nap  because she always woke up dry and we knew she didn't need them when we went out because she always told us when she had to go and was able to hold it while we found a potty, She is down to a pull up only at bedtime. Potty training was easy! The bottle was the one I was really dreading... but it actually was really easy too! We packed up her bottles and left them on the door for another baby since Sage is a big girl. She kissed her bottles goodbye! Literally! It has been over a week and she asked for it every once in a while, but then we remind her she is a big girl and she asks for her cup instead. 

Everyday April Moments

Ears Pierced

Our Harper girl had her two month check up and is right on track. Healthy and always just as happy as can be. She weighs 11 lbs 11.5 oz (56%) and is 23 inches long (56%). She is perfect. Just like with Sage after having received her 2 month vaccines we took her to get her ears pierced. I will be the first to admit that it is really sad, but it is no worse than getting shots and is over so quickly and she was happy just a few short minutes later. Sage was also quite excited for Harper to have earring like her. We have yet to get a good picture of her that shows her ears because they are kind of hidden behind her yummy, juicy cheek!