Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stay Tuned

We are still in Paradise... Long story short, we learned about another job opportunity that has become available the day before we were supposed to move into our new place. We are still in the process of learning more about it, but everything we have read and heard about it, sounds like an opportunity we cannot pass up. Etrade is taking their time with an offer, but has to let us know by tomorrow. We were planning on moving to the location we were going to with Etrade in mind. However, if Taylor were to be offered the job with this new opportunity we would want to take that job over Etrade and would want to move back to the area we just moved from. So, they are holding our spot for a few days while we figure some things out...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Goodbye Paradise!

Sage is going to miss Paradise. We all will. Tomorrow we make another move! Just out fifth move in not even 3 years of marriage... Somehow it always happens that we stay with family in between moves. We started at Startcrest and were there for a year and half and then spent the summer in the Selph's home, lived in Santa Fe a year and have been in Paradise for the past month and now... onto our next adventure! Change is never easy, but it has been nice to spend some time away for a bit and we are so grateful for Grandma & Papa and Taylor's parents for putting up with the three of us! However, we are excited to get back into our own space and own routine and get ready for the holidays and baby Harper. Goodbye Paradise! We will be back to visit! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sage has always been spoiled, but these last few weeks with both sets of grandparents around she has been beyond spoiled. That's what grandparents are for though! As we drive the three minutes to grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Tony's house Sage starts making chicken sounds and flapping her little wings and then starts bouncing up and down, which means she wants to jump. After dinner I took her outside for a few minutes and as soon as we went back in the house she wanted to go back out again. Of course grandma took her out and jumped on the trampoline with her and then took her to see the chickens and then Sage talked her into taking her to see the horse next door. Jeanne even climbed through the fence to take her right up to the horse and feed it some grass. Sage was in heaven.  Grandpa Tony spoils her with treats. She loves cookies. She pretends to be scared but secretly loves when he does this monster thing with her. Grandma Jackie takes he outside to walk around and see the deer, squirrels and bunnies. She lets her play in the tent and throw rocks in the river. Papa spins her around in his office chair and lets her sit on his lap and he shows her pictures of herself on the computer. We are grateful for family that love this little girl as much as we do! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Harper Girl

Today I got to get another sneak peek at this cute girl. She is right on track and healthy as can be! It really is so miraculous. She is about 9 inches and weighs about 13 ounces. She is a wiggly little one and made it really difficult to get a picture of her sweet profile. She had her ankles crossed at one point and was tuning all around. She finally wore herself out and curled up into a little ball with her knees up to her chest and her chin tucked down into her chest as well. We are already so in love with our Harper girl and can't wait to meet her! Yay for being half way through this pregnancy! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

All caught up!

I have been working to get Sage's baby book caught up. We have already printed the first six months of her life and are now waiting for a good deal on Shutterfly to print the second half of her first year, which is finally ready to go! Below you will find the links to view them. It takes a few minutes to load... but we're caught up! The first link is 6 months- 12 months and the link below is from her first birthday through August.

I have decided to use Mixbook to publish for now, so here is a link to the next part of her life- Sage Nicole Fenton since her first birthday

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Melts my heart every time. Love how her pants are sagging half way down her little booty. 

Being a wife

Taylor and papa left early this morning to head to Flagstaff in order to get the jacuzzi and the last few things left in the barn. They got up at 4:15 and they were out the door by 5 am. After he left I laid awake for a while while my mind went in every direction and I started thinking of all the "what ifs". What if something happened to them while on the road? They made it safe and will be headed back tomorrow, but it was a reminder to me of how much I need and love Taylor. I love being a mother and I think all mothers are guilty in some degree or another of this, but I am so busy being a mother that I sometimes neglect the fact that I am also a wife. So, this morning as I laid there in the quiet of the early morning, missing my husband that had only been gone a few minutes, I realized and remembered how much I love being a wife. I married my best friend. Taylor is absolutely perfect for me. 

Sage update

  • loves to be outdoors.
  • loves soup.
  • loves to read nursery rhymes.
  • reminds us to pray before every meal and insists on praying before her snacks too. 
  • she is trying really hard to talk. Every once in a while she will surprise us and herself with a word, but then of course will not repeat it. She talks a lot of gibberish. 
  • always wants to snack. we are trying to get her into a routine that she has one snack between meals and not snacking all day long. 
  • does a cute push her hair out of her face thing that is adorable. 
  • wearing mostly 12-18 month clothing. All of her fall clothes that I had got her are 18 months and are falling off her. 
  • fights brushing her teeth now. We have to make it into a game and sing songs. 
  • we are still working on getting her off the bottle. We are now diluting it 4 oz water and 2 oz milk.  We're slowly getting there... 
  • is a monster in the car. We outgrew that stage long ago, but it looks like it is back! She insists on having a snack every time she gets in her carseat and constantly says, "mama mama mama" over and over and over again for no apparent reason, but to give us a headache. 
  • loves peanut butter. She will lick it off her crackers, apples and bananas and ask for more before eating the actual snack.
  • "ice-cream" is her newest sign and it is the cutest thing to see. She asked for ice-cream for breakfast the other morning...
  • likes to wash her hands, but does not like her sleeves pushed up and wants them immediately pushed back down afterwards.
  • is getting her bottom canines. When she got her top ones and now the bottom ones is the only time she has been fussy with teething. 
  • is transitioning to one nap. we tried to transition to one nap months ago, but she still really needed two. 
  • can be very stubborn.
  • is loving testing the boundaries. For example, she tries to climb on the coffee table. She will put one foot up and look at us and smile. 
  • gives the best squeezes (hugs), but only on her own time. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

What we have been up to...

Saturday the Averyts came up to hang out with us. They really came just to see Sage. At least that's what they admit and we believe it. We love how much they love her. We had such a fun time together. Jodie and her girls were also visiting, so Sage played with the girls for a little bit while the Averyts and us went to Porcupine Dam and discovered the salmon swimming upstream. We relaxed and talked down my the river outback of my grandparents property. After putting Sage to bed the four us went to dinner at The Bluebird and made it back just in time for the BYU/Utah game. They stayed the night and left Sunday morning. We are grateful for such great friends. My grandparents and Taylor's parents live exactly 2.8 miles down the road from each other, so we are enjoying spending time with all of them. We have walked those 2.8 miles a couple times in the evening after putting Sage to bed, whichis why we know the exact distance. Since being up here, grandma has helped me sew burp cloths and a carseat canopy for Harper. Yesterday I shared my bread recipe with grandma and today we made laundry soap. It is fun to do little projects together. I have also got to help Jeanne and learn how to jar homemade salsa with tomatoes fresh from their garden and we have made a couple trips to town together. Taylor is enjoying working on projects with his dad and has helped papa out too. He and papa are taking a trip to Flagstaff on Wednesday to pick up the jacuzzi and a few other things that were left behind when they moved. We have enjoyed having game nights with Jeanne and look forward to at least a few more in the next couple weeks. Rummikub is our game. Jeanne and I have both one once and Taylor has one probably half a dozen times are so. He probably cheats! Ha Taylor and I walked those 2.8 miles tonight. Well, almost... Jeanne came and found us and picked us up since it was getting dark.  It is a nice walk and it is a nice time to be together just the two of us and enjoy the beauty of Paradise.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A country girl at heart!

Taylor resigned at Farmers. So, we have kind of been on a little vacation and will be until he starts his new job mid October. The day before we had to be out of our apartment we learned he would receive an offer pending his background check. We are still waiting for those to clear, but unless Taylor has lived some sort of double life that nobody knows about, we should be getting an offer any day now! In the meantime, we are living up in Paradise with grandma and papa while we look for a new place in Salt Lake. It has been fun up here. Taylor has been able to help his parents and grandpa out a lot and I have been working on projects with grandma. I was so worried about how Sage would handle the change, but she has embraced it and is loving every minute of being spoiled by grandparents and being a little country girl. She absolutely loves being outside. First thing she wants to do when she wakes up is go see the dog Scruffy and then wants to go outside and look for the bunnies, squirrels and deer, which she has seen a lot of the last couple weeks. In the car on the way in to town she makes cow and horse noises and signs "more" over and over again as we pass them. She loves riding the quads and going for rides on the John Deere tractor with papa. She loves throwing rocks in the river and sitting on the swing that sits between the trees. She loves going back and forth and visiting with both sets of grandparents. She loves to feed the chickens and jump on the trampoline. She loves going on wagon rides, runnning through the grass and picking flowers. Our camera is packed away, but we have taken tons of pictures on the phone. Here are just a few for now.