Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Being a wife

Taylor and papa left early this morning to head to Flagstaff in order to get the jacuzzi and the last few things left in the barn. They got up at 4:15 and they were out the door by 5 am. After he left I laid awake for a while while my mind went in every direction and I started thinking of all the "what ifs". What if something happened to them while on the road? They made it safe and will be headed back tomorrow, but it was a reminder to me of how much I need and love Taylor. I love being a mother and I think all mothers are guilty in some degree or another of this, but I am so busy being a mother that I sometimes neglect the fact that I am also a wife. So, this morning as I laid there in the quiet of the early morning, missing my husband that had only been gone a few minutes, I realized and remembered how much I love being a wife. I married my best friend. Taylor is absolutely perfect for me. 

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