Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Wonderful Weekend!

Yesterday was a busy day. We woke up early to clean our home together before going to volunteer at the "Boys and Girls Club" for the Disney's "Give a Day, Get a Day" program. We formed groups of 6, so we were with 2 other young couples and we were responsible for cleaning out the storage room with all the sports equipment in the gym. We have never seen so many basketballs in our lives. They have almost anything you could think of- tennis, scoops, scooters, baseball, basketball, footballs, jump ropes, bowling, golf, volleyballs, handballs... It did not look too bad, but by the time we were through with it, it did look better. We pulled everything out of the closet and swept and vacuumed the closet out and then organized everything and put it back in more organized as we labeled boxes. It really was fun.

Taylor thought we would not be able to make it to the Festival of Colors or Holi, as it is also referred to, but our volunteer thing ended at 10:30 instead of noon, so he went and took is test and got an 84%!!! (Way to go Taylor!) And then we headed to Spanish Fork for the Festival of Colors! It was so much fun. Here is a little history of it... I find it fascinating. I love learning about other cultures.

Celebrated all over India since ancient times, Holi's precise form and purpose display great variety. Originally, Holi was an agricultural festival celebrating the arrival of spring. This aspect still plays a significant part in the festival in the form of the colored powders: Holi is a time when man and nature alike throw off the gloom of winter and rejoice in the colors and liveliness of spring. Holi also commemorates various events in Hindu mythology, but for most Hindus it provides a temporary opportunity for Hindus to disregard social norms, indulge in merrymaking and generally "let loose."The legend commemorated by the festival of Holi involves an evil king named Hiranyakashipu. He forbade his son Prahlad from worshipping Vishnu, but Radhu continued to do offer prayers to the god. Getting angry with his son, Hiranyakashipu challenged Prahlad to sit on a pyre with his wicked aunt Holika who was believed to be immune to fire. (In an alternate version, Holika put herself and Prahlad on the fire on orders from her brother.) Prahlad accepted the challenge and prayed to Vishnu to keep him safe. When the fire started, everyone watched in amazement as Holika was burnt to death, while Prahlad survived without a scar to show for it. The burning of Holika is celebrated as Holi. According to some accounts, Holika begged Prahlad for forgiveness before her demise, and he decreed that she would be remembered every year at Holi.

We parked at the first parking we saw because it was free. They had a shuttle bus, but we did not think it was far so we decided to walk. It ended up being a 35 minute walk, but it was enjoyable. It was fun watching all the excitement of everyone going, and the look of the people leaving and walking back to their cars. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking!

When we got back we obviously had to shower and then watched a little 24, before going to the Easter Party at Taylor's parents. That was also so much fun. They always organize and plan it so perfect. It was fun watching the kids decorate their sticker, Easter scenes and play bingo and color eggs. Taylor and I colored some too. Dan, Taylor, and I hid the eggs outside. Dan is quite the egg hider! Taylor and I just placed them in plain sight. Oh those kids are so cute! The adults also had an egg hunt. We each had a specific color to hunt for and each had 3. Each egg had money in it. Tony and Jeanne are always so generous. And each couple also had their own basket full of treats.

We both went to bed early. I had a headache and fell asleep as Taylor worked on his lesson for today. He's going over it again right now and our Home Teachers will be coming soon, then we have to go over the Primary lesson we will teaching today. It has been a great weekend!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I didn't SAVE!!!!

So, today I did not pick up a substituting job so I could get this huge project done for one of my classes; It is a 30 minute presentation that I have to give to at least 2 adults. I am going to be giving it to my neighbors. Anyways, I worked on it all morning before Taylor came home for a few hours, at which time we watched almost 3 episodes of season 7 of 24. I had a good start on the presentation so I did not feel too bad, besides I would be working on it all night. Taylor left for work at 2:30 and then it was time for business. About 8:00, after about 5 hours of working on it + the couple hours of working on it from the morning, something happened with power point and it had to shut down... Did I save it? Did I put the little file and push SAVE? Of course not! 7 hours of work was lost! I have been working on redoing it for the past couple hours... at least it is going faster. I probably should be working on it now, but I am so hungry, tired, and grumpy. I still have a little over a week to get it done.

Right now all I want is a hug from my husband and to go to bed! He should be home in about an hour... Tomorrow is a busy day for us. We are volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club from 9-12, then Taylor has to take a test, and then, Taylor doesn't know it yet, but I really would like to go to the Festival of Colors. It is only one day and is from 12-4. We are supposed to be at his parents in Salt Lake at 4 for an Easter party. So, somehow I think we will finish volunteering at 12, Taylor will go take his test, we will drive to Spanish Fork for this festival at about 2, stay for only an hour at most, stop by at home on the way to Salt Lake and shower because we will be covered in color, and get to Salt Lake maybe just a little late... We'll see... I really, really, really want to go to this Festival of Colors and just found out about it today. We can make it work... I hope...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Loving Hands

Disclaimer: You may get sick reading this so I apologize in advance...

Some may think it is strange, but sometimes Taylor and I hold hands in our sleep. He says sometimes he will wake up in the middle of the night searching for my hand. I love it! It is one of the best feelings in the world to wake up with my hand in his!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy 23rd Birthday to the man I love and wanna grow old with!

Today is Taylor's birthday! He is the best friend and the best husband. I am so blessed and so grateful to have him in my life and for eternity! He always is so positive and uplifting, so hard-working and dedicated in all that he does, strives to do what is right, and is so thoughtful and loving. He always makes me laugh. I love that man with all my heart!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23 March 2010

We had Taylor's parents over for dinner tonight. It was a good evening to a horrible day! It was nice to visit with them. Taylor and I made chicken alfredo with salad and bread. We thought we were putting too much alfredo sauce, but it ended up being a little dry... but it was still good. Next time it will be even better. Then we played a game of bowling on the wii. I, of course, won and beat my record! I think I got 5 strikes in a row! I'm a little proud because in real life... I am the WORST bowler! It was fun. Jeanne played a game of tennis and Tony did a match of boxing. It was fun to watch them and it was to spend some time with them.

Tomorrow is Taylor's birthday! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

A weekend away!

Thursday I only worked until noon and then came home and packed, while Taylor watched the basketball game. He goes crazy watching and drives me crazy too! Go BYU! The night before Taylor went and got us a bunch of snacks, also known as JuNk FoOd. He is such a good sport. He drove the whole way. It took us about 7 hours- not too bad. When we got there we got to open our birthday presents... a door alarm (thanks to my paranoid Papa) and a gift card for me, Taylor got new,professional hair clippers and for the both of us...

a Wii.
We were both very excited! We did a lot playing. Taylor is great at tennis and baseball, but I beat him every time at bowling! And I was very humble about it! "Come on baby!" Every time I would scream that I would get a strike!

Played Basketball

We went shooting...

Beautiful Sedona!
Sedona is one of my favorite places. After getting our hair cuts by Grandma, we drove to Sendona with Grandma and Papa. We ate lunch at Oaxaca, which is a yummy Mexican restaurant, and then looked in a few stores. I would have liked to look around the town more. I love looking at art. Afterwards we drove up the back road, which is just breathtaking. It was a very nice afternoon!

It was a fun weekend!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Health, Wealth, Happiness and Wisdom!

Yay for 24!! And this 24 is my age, not my obsession with the show "24" and Jack Bauer. I can't believe I am 24 years old! I know this post is a few days late, but this is the first chance I have got to update. I will write and post pictures later that will explain. Anyways, it kind of felt like just another day. I went to work and then came home and took a test. Taylor and I went to his parents and had dinner with his family to celebrate Jodie's, my, and Taylor's birthdays. It is always nice to get together and I really do love his family. Taylor is so sweet. He tried to make it special for me and was very thoughtful. He got me slippers and a bath robe; both things I really wanted. He also got me some roses and yummy smelling body lotion and gave me the best message. I am such a lucky girl! I can't wait to celebrate his birthday in just a few days!

I am not sure exactly where I thought I would be at this point in my life, but I have to say I am very happy. I have learned that everyone has their challenges and trials, but I really do believe they are for our own good and that the Lord knows what experiences we need to help us to progress. As I count my blessings I am very grateful. I love my life. A couple of my greatest accomplishments include: joining the church in 2004, serving a mission 2007-2008, and marrying the man of my dreams at the end of 2009. I love birthdays because for me they are like the New Year... a time to reflect and set new goals. So here they are... Goals for the next year of my life! (And they are not in any particular order)

1. graduate with my BS in Human Development/Family Studies

2. get out of debt (credit card and car; we'll see about student loans- maybe next years goal)

3. build up our food storage

4. have a baby

5. save $$

6. do at least 1 volunteer activity/month outside of the church

7. read 1 book/month

8. have fun and be happy!

24 and loving life! Here's to another 24 and more!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The greatest invention!

Taylor: You can't expect me to be able to read your mind.

Michelle: Well, they should invent something so you can.

Taylor: They have... It's called a mouth!


Taylor switched schedules with someone at work on Friday, so he worked in the morning and then in the afternoon we picked up Dylan and Emmett and met Tony and their parents up in Salt Lake and all went up to Paradise. I love Paradise! Saturday we went ice-fishing. It was COLD! The weather was not good, but it was still fun. We didn't stay for long, but caught one fish and had a few bites.

14 March 2010

This past week has gone by sloooooooow... Maybe because I worked extra Friday and Monday and worked again this past Friday, so I haven't enjoyed the long weekend I am use to. Still no news from HeadStart. I called Wednesday and no decision had been made. I had a couple tests this week that I think went pretty well. On Thursday I worked until 4:30 and then had to leave for my test around 5:30 so I had asked Taylor if he could be in charge of dinner and have something ready when I got home. Around 4:00 I got a text from him that read, "You put me in charge of dinner, so what do you want from In N Out?" Gotta love that man! As I type this Taylor is dancing around with his towel! He always makes me laugh.

I am excited for this coming week- birthday and then off to Flagstaff, Arizona!!! :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the blues and a bright note!

I have the mid-semester blues!
They do not usually last for long, but without fail half way through the semester I feel burnt out, am ready for the semester to be over and just do not feel very motivated. Unfortunately or fortunately, this always happens right during mid-terms so I have to snap out of it pretty fast. I am ready to graduate and be done with school for a little while. I need to meet with my councilor and make sure I am track for graduation. I have 3 classes I am petitioning. Well, one of them my appeal was denied and the other 2 I have not submitted yet. I need to figure out what to do with the one and I hope the other 2 will be approved. If not... another semester? Please no!!!

On a brighter note... I have the best husband! I am so grateful for him. He always makes me laugh and makes me so happy. I work at 7:30 and am not a morning person nor do I like to be rushed. I always try and have my act together, so I don't disturb him, but he always so willingly gets up and gets my breakfast or makes my lunch, gets my water bottle and jacket ready. He is so helpful. Yesterday he did all of the above and then when I got home from work he had vacuumed, set the table because we were having the Carey's over for dinner (Marcel couldn't make it so it was just Jess and the girls) and countless other little things that he always does for us. He then went out and got us some bread for dinner because I had forgot my purse so couldn't stop on my way home and he also filled up my car with gas. Never a complaint! After dinner he did the dishes and gave me a massage. I really don't know what I did, but I must have done something right and I will be working forever to deserve him!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We love the Carey Family!

We are so blessed to have such great neighbors. Marcel and Jessica and their two sweet girls Nevaeh and Leia. Today after going to the spanish branch I went to the first part of our regular wards sacrament meeting because Nevaeh and Leia received child blessings since they never received their baby blessings. It really was a special experience and we are so happy for their sweet family!

A week in review

It has been a good week. Time goes by so fast. I can hardly believe it has been a week. Taylor is working his one Sunday a month 16 hour shift. I miss him and wish he was home with me. I did however get to go the spanish branch today, which was so refreshing. I love singing the hymns in spanish.

Still have not heard anything from Head Start. Krista the VP of the school, who hired me. confronted me and told me not to worry about it. She said I need to do what is best for me. That was comforting. We'll see what happens. I am happy there if Head Start does not work out.

We got some more snow this week. I was hoping to go play in it, but didn't get a chance and the sky's are blue now. We went to the Provo Temple on Tuesday and got SubZero ice cream after. That is going to be our tradition- temple and ice-cream. Thursday at the dental college the students had their mock anesthesia exams and one of the students needed a patient. I called up Taylor and he was willing to come and be the patient. He is always so willing to help. I love him so much! And then in the evening I went with him to the BYU library because he had to meet with his group. They are doing research for their professor in regards to anger and forgiveness. It sounds interesting. It was neat to observe Taylor. He was very quite and the other two were talking up a storm. I wasn't even sure if he was listening and then out of nowhere he piped in and shared his ideas and changed the way they are going to go about their research and writing. He is so smart! Yesterday, I had my first exam for my family economics class. I think it went well... time will tell! We went and did some shopping yesterday at Pier1. We got some cute lime green, leather place mats, cute ice-cream cups, and come canisters to hold flour, sugar, etc. We also went and saw the movie "Old Dogs" at the dollar theater ($1.50 theater). Good movie. I really like Robin Williams. We finished season 5 and watched the first disk (4 episodes) of season 6 of 24. That's our week!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

February's Happy Thoughts!

Michelle's happy thoughts

Feb. 1- great lessons at church yesterday, having Jill, Dan and lil Lacie over last night, yummy peach cobbler, getting things done today- car is now registered in Utah, postoffice, gym, grocery shopping, cleaned house, blogging, lots of homework- sweet texts from husband asking if I would go on a date with him, talking to Alicia and her testimony, just being happy!

Feb. 3- being busy at work, speaking spanish, coming home to a sweet note from her husband, lunch together, safe drive, class, getting some reading done, blogging, surprise date with Taylor tomorrow...

Feb.4- Taylor ironed my clothes while I got ready for work, letting a rude person know that they can not speak to me the way they were, mac n cheese, date night- rollerskating and a cazookie at a cute lil cafe, reading Way to Be" by Gordon B. Hinckley (so good!), chapstick :)

Feb. 7- cake batter cookies, 100%, sleeping baby Nevaeh, making dinner and doing a puzzle with the husband, Moneypit, sleeping in, getting a calling, good lessons, a new week!

Feb. 15- Paradise with my husband, making a heart shaped pizza, lots of 24, sleeping in, making frames, family, treats, carpet, rain, contacts, tuna melts...

Feb. 20- yummy dinner, we dont have carbon monoxide poisoning, hello yogurt, watching 24, another engagement, getting the ring cleaned, just being with my husband... :)

Feb. 22- hugs from my husband, reading together, Preach My Gospel, running, being productive, chicken noodle soup, video, getting syllabus, Mountainland HeadStart, neighbor from Peru and computer paper, laundry right from the dryer, hot shower... :)

Feb. 27- Give kids a smile! :D

Feb. 28- A wonderful weekend, greek food, Taylor's lesson went well, dinner with family, family home evening with my wonderful husband, Donna & Donny's wedding (We are so excited for an excuse to get to California- seeing family, showing Taylor where I grew up, Golden Spoon, the beach, Disneyland, and of course the wedding!!) :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Where is my loyalty?

So, today I went in to work to get my teeth cleaned and my supervisor asked if she could speak with me while I was waiting. Long story short Head Start contacted her to ask her about my work ethic. Are they allowed to do that? I thought that was what references were for, and past employers... but my current employer? I can't remember if I mentioned in my last post or not, but I had an interview with them on Friday for an education specialist position. She said she was caught off guard, which I can imagine. I feel horrible. I did not take my current position with the intention to quit after a month. It is a good job and I do enjoy it, but how can I pass up an even better job in a field were my passion is? She questioned my loyalty and could not vouch for me as a loyal employee, which I can understand. I always give 100% and I am loyal, but I have to do what is going to be best for Taylor and me, whatever that may be. I really don't know at this point, but just wanted to see what my options are. I feel like I have jeopardized my current job... We'll see. I read a quote today that said, "Why worry when you can pray?"