Monday, March 1, 2010

Where is my loyalty?

So, today I went in to work to get my teeth cleaned and my supervisor asked if she could speak with me while I was waiting. Long story short Head Start contacted her to ask her about my work ethic. Are they allowed to do that? I thought that was what references were for, and past employers... but my current employer? I can't remember if I mentioned in my last post or not, but I had an interview with them on Friday for an education specialist position. She said she was caught off guard, which I can imagine. I feel horrible. I did not take my current position with the intention to quit after a month. It is a good job and I do enjoy it, but how can I pass up an even better job in a field were my passion is? She questioned my loyalty and could not vouch for me as a loyal employee, which I can understand. I always give 100% and I am loyal, but I have to do what is going to be best for Taylor and me, whatever that may be. I really don't know at this point, but just wanted to see what my options are. I feel like I have jeopardized my current job... We'll see. I read a quote today that said, "Why worry when you can pray?"

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