Sunday, February 28, 2010

28 Feb 2010

We have been married for two months! It some ways it feels like we have been together forever and in other ways we can't believe it has been two months!!! We really are happy! We are so in love! Life is great! Taylor is a wonderful husband. He is so caring and will do anything for me. He is so helpful and makes me so happy.

It was a good week- lots of school and lots of work. I just asked Taylor if there was anything eventful that happened this week, but neither of us can remember what we did. Usually we have Tuesday and Thursday evenings together, but we don't know what we did this week! How scary! Saturday is usually our day, but Taylor worked some extra hours and I volunteered at "Give Kids A Smile Day" which was a great experience. It was so cool to see so many people volunteer their time and resources to helping kids. We did go out to dinner to a yummy Greek restaurant. So good! I love Greek food and am so happy that Taylor really liked it.

Taylor taught his first lesson today in elders quorum. Right before the class he found out that the other teacher was gone, so the elders quorum's were combined. He prepared well and seemed confident. "I am not the teacher" is what he says. I am sure he brought the Spirit and he said it went well. We went to dinner at McKay and Jodie's tonight with all the family. It is always nice to see everyone. Taylor and I also had our Family Home Evening tonight after getting home. 2 weeks in a row! We will make it a habit. Taylor taught the lesson tonight. I love the time we spend together just being able to talk and share our feelings, our struggles and fears, and all that we have to look forward to together.

One thing we are looking forward to and are so excited is for our trip to California. We were planning to go in June for Donna and Donny's wedding, but have kept teasing that they would change the date, and sure enough!! April 10th!! We are so happy for them! It will be so fun to see my family also and hopefully it will work out that we can go to Disneyland. It will be a short trip, but we are excited!

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