Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Date to Skate and Cazookie galore!

Date Night was a lot fun! Taylor would not tell me where he was taking me and the whole way there I was making guesses. He told me I needed to wear socks. I was guessing ice-skating, bowling, roller skating, karate... Why I can't stand surprises is beyond me, but after about 2 minutes of guessing we were there. Roller-skating! I got ghetto roller skates from the 80's that I could not tie tight enough. It felt like I was skating on buckets with wheels. Taylor got a razor. It was fun. We paid for an hour, but both were tired after about 15 minutes. 15 times around= 1 mile! haha We sat out and talked for a little bit and watched the races. We were making bets on who would win. Afterwards, we walked just a little ways to get some dessert from a cute little place called "The Chocolate Dessert Cafe". It is in an old house that they turned into a cafe. We sat upstairs. Every room in the house has chairs, tables and couches. So cute! We ordered a cazookie which took 15 minutes to bake and about 45 seconds to eat. It was so good. Taylor got white chocolate and I just got chocolate chip because I didn't want to take the chance of the peanut butter having nuts in it. Taylor said I could have asked... but I just didn't think of that! Now Taylor is studying and I am going to do some reading...

1 comment:

The Chezik Family said...

That cazookie looks divine! I need one of those!