Sunday, February 7, 2010

7 Feb 2010

Taylor has to work one Sunday a month and today is the day! It's so lonely without him, but I am happy it is this Sunday and not next Sunday which is Valentine's Day. Yesterday was a good day. We woke up and Taylor once again helped me with my math. My teacher posts a practice homework and two practice quizzes, so we went over those together and then I was ready for the real homework and real quiz... I got 100% on both! So grateful for his patience with me. Math has never been my thing. There were even a few tears shed. But I got it done and then went to the gym while Taylor did some homework. We our neighbor's kids for a little bit. Nevaeh who is two years old fell asleep. I had made Taylor a sandwich and I knew she would say, "want some" so I made her a half as well. When I went to bring it out to them she was sound asleep. I wish I would have taken a picture. She is way too cute! Taylor and I made dinner together- cheeseburger pie! While it baked we started a 500 piece puzzle. It was fun. I get excited when I find a piece and Taylor just makes fun of me, copying me as I say "yes!!!", but he doesn't know my dance! After dinner we went and watched the movie "Money Pit" with Taylor's brother Tony. So weird, but pretty funny. I like Tom Hanks as an actor...
I have church in a couple hours. Today is fast Sunday. Since getting married I never feel as prepared, but that's my own fault. I need to do better. Today I am going to try and finish reading the book "Way to Be!" by Gordon B. Hinckley. I love the book so far and I love President Hinckley! I remember several times having a very strong impression that he indeed was a prophet of God. Once at General Conference while I was at the Conference Center when however many thousand people it holds, all stood up and began to sing "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" as he walked in and also during the Newport Beach Temple Jubilee. I remember just the strong impression I felt as he walked in and everyone stood in silence and respect. There have been countless other times as well, but those are a couple times that stand out in particular. I love out prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson as well. How grateful I am for the organization of the Church and to have a living prophet to guide us in these latter days! I think I will also bake some cookies for our neighbors and put them in these cute Valentine's bags I got. We are going to be out of town next weekend so it will be an early Valentine's treat. I wish Taylor were here to deliver them with me though, but if I don't do it today I don't know when we will be able to... During the week is always so busy; I love Sundays!

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