Saturday, March 20, 2010

Health, Wealth, Happiness and Wisdom!

Yay for 24!! And this 24 is my age, not my obsession with the show "24" and Jack Bauer. I can't believe I am 24 years old! I know this post is a few days late, but this is the first chance I have got to update. I will write and post pictures later that will explain. Anyways, it kind of felt like just another day. I went to work and then came home and took a test. Taylor and I went to his parents and had dinner with his family to celebrate Jodie's, my, and Taylor's birthdays. It is always nice to get together and I really do love his family. Taylor is so sweet. He tried to make it special for me and was very thoughtful. He got me slippers and a bath robe; both things I really wanted. He also got me some roses and yummy smelling body lotion and gave me the best message. I am such a lucky girl! I can't wait to celebrate his birthday in just a few days!

I am not sure exactly where I thought I would be at this point in my life, but I have to say I am very happy. I have learned that everyone has their challenges and trials, but I really do believe they are for our own good and that the Lord knows what experiences we need to help us to progress. As I count my blessings I am very grateful. I love my life. A couple of my greatest accomplishments include: joining the church in 2004, serving a mission 2007-2008, and marrying the man of my dreams at the end of 2009. I love birthdays because for me they are like the New Year... a time to reflect and set new goals. So here they are... Goals for the next year of my life! (And they are not in any particular order)

1. graduate with my BS in Human Development/Family Studies

2. get out of debt (credit card and car; we'll see about student loans- maybe next years goal)

3. build up our food storage

4. have a baby

5. save $$

6. do at least 1 volunteer activity/month outside of the church

7. read 1 book/month

8. have fun and be happy!

24 and loving life! Here's to another 24 and more!

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