Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the blues and a bright note!

I have the mid-semester blues!
They do not usually last for long, but without fail half way through the semester I feel burnt out, am ready for the semester to be over and just do not feel very motivated. Unfortunately or fortunately, this always happens right during mid-terms so I have to snap out of it pretty fast. I am ready to graduate and be done with school for a little while. I need to meet with my councilor and make sure I am track for graduation. I have 3 classes I am petitioning. Well, one of them my appeal was denied and the other 2 I have not submitted yet. I need to figure out what to do with the one and I hope the other 2 will be approved. If not... another semester? Please no!!!

On a brighter note... I have the best husband! I am so grateful for him. He always makes me laugh and makes me so happy. I work at 7:30 and am not a morning person nor do I like to be rushed. I always try and have my act together, so I don't disturb him, but he always so willingly gets up and gets my breakfast or makes my lunch, gets my water bottle and jacket ready. He is so helpful. Yesterday he did all of the above and then when I got home from work he had vacuumed, set the table because we were having the Carey's over for dinner (Marcel couldn't make it so it was just Jess and the girls) and countless other little things that he always does for us. He then went out and got us some bread for dinner because I had forgot my purse so couldn't stop on my way home and he also filled up my car with gas. Never a complaint! After dinner he did the dishes and gave me a massage. I really don't know what I did, but I must have done something right and I will be working forever to deserve him!

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