Friday, November 19, 2010


Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Say that three times fast! Who comes up with these words? That is what Taylor had done yesterday. They were able to stretch his esophagus to 16 mm, which is still smaller than normal, but it is an improvement from the 13 mm he was at. He is scheduled to go back again in a month and Dr. Bodily is going to try and get him to 18 mm. Again, that is smaller than normal, but it would be a great improvement. He also prescribed him medicine for acid reflux.

It is about a 15 minute procedure, which they put him out for. It was really sad, but also kinds funny as he waking up. He repeated himself about 15 times and would ask the time about every 3 minutes. He was drowsy all day yesterday, but he is as good as new today!

We are grateful for doctors and the knowledge and education which they have. We are also grateful for medicine. We are grateful that Taylor can eat now without choking and are hopeful that we can keep it under control so he will not have to worry about it anymore!

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