Friday, September 6, 2013


Putting Sage to bed has become something wonderful and not because I am ready for some quiet. We have a good routine that she is no longer fighting. We take a bath, I take Harper out first at which time Sage can have bubbles added to the bath, I get Harper lotioned up and jammies on, feed her a bottle, get Sage girl out of the tub and get her in jammies (she always picks them and is really good at matching them), we read a couple books together, say prayers, I put Harper to bed but not before singing her a song before laying her down. I read Sage another book and then the timer is on for 5 minutes and I rub her back as she keeps sitting up to drink water and when the timer goes off she smiles at me and says, "goooooooodniiiiiiight!" The other night she said, "goodnight friend!" And I tell her how much I love her and tell her I will keep her door open if she stays in bed. She usually chats a bit, but then falls right to sleep.

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