Friday, January 28, 2011

As of late

There not much to report about as of late. We are both trying to just stay busy. Time is beginning to go by very slow. Well, at least for me. Taylor is busy working and has started his last semester! I am continuing to work at UCDH, which tend to be very long days. 7:30 or 8:00 am- 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday and every other Friday. I'm usually just fine, but by 5:00 I am so exhausted. Taylor has class until 6:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I try and be a good wife and make something yummy for dinner (which, I have to admit, does not always happen). Taylor makes dinner or we will make dinner together the other nights. We finished our prenatal classes and also took a nursing class. They were both very informative, but I'm not sure if they have given me comfort or made me more anxious! Taylor has been a good sport and has gone to the classes with me and always tries to make me comfortable. I just don't feel good. We relax and laugh a lot as we continue to watch the Office. We are in season 6. About a month left until Sage joins us! We are so excited to meet her. Taylor spent the afternoon yesterday putting together her dresser/changing table that arrived and her crib should be here in the next few days as well. Slowly, but surely everything will be ready for our little girl!

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