Sunday, January 9, 2011

Getting ready for Sage

It has been a busy week as we start to turn our "dungeon" into Sage's room. We packed up a lot of things, got rid of some junk, sold a few things on KSL, and reorganized some boxes allowing us to combine boxes. Her room is almost cleared out. We had Taylor's parents over for lunch yesterday and they were nice enough to take a few (or maybe 7 or 8) boxes to storage for us. Thank you! We also went and bought the travel system we have been looking at. We also finally picked out the crib and dresser/changing table, which Grandma and Papa are ordering for us. We are so grateful for our families and all their help and support. We had our doctors appointment this week and everything looks good! The doctor wanted to check if she was still breech and brought in a portable ultrasound. She is head down! We will start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. We also are taking a 2 week prenatal class which starts tomorrow. We are so excited and can't wait to have Sage join us.

1 comment:

The Chezik Family said...

Everything will look super cute!! So fun!